Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 35 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Trudeau makes re-election pledge of

       tougher emissions rules for oil companies

        CANADA           CANADIAN Prime Minister Justin Trudeau  cars sold in Canada to be zero-emissions vehicles
                         said on August 29 that if he is re-elected, his  by 2035, with a target of 50% by 2030. The party
                         government will require the country’s oil and  has also pledged to make Canada’s electricity grid
                         gas industry to achieve certain benchmarks for  zero-emissions on a net basis by 2035 and to end
                         cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  thermal coal exports by 2030.
                           Trudeau’s Liberal Party published its platform   Trudeau’s prospects at the polls are looking
                         on August 29, after he called a snap election for  less certain as he comes under fire from oppo-
                         September 20 in mid-August in the hopes of  sition parties for calling an election amid the
       Canadian Prime    regaining a majority. According to the Liberal  coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. He has
       Minister Justin   platform, upon re-election, the party would  argued that it is because of the pandemic that a
       Trudeau’s gamble in   require oil and gas companies to set five-year  new mandate is needed, to ensure that the public
       calling a snap election   targets to cut their emissions with the aim of  is happy with the Liberals’ handling of the crisis.
       looks increasingly risky.  reaching net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. The   However, the Liberals lost their majority at
                         programme would begin in 2025.       the last election, in 2019, and have since had
                           “A serious plan for the environment is a plan  to rely on support from other parties in order
                         for the economy,” Trudeau said in a statement  to govern. Trudeau may have gambled on the
                         reported by Bloomberg. Indeed, included in the  opportunity to end this reliance, but the gamble
                         plan is a CAD2bn ($1.6bn) fund to create green  looks increasingly risky.
                         jobs in oil-producing regions.         According to the Canadian Broadcasting
                           Other environmental measures that the Lib-  Corp. (CBC), Conservative leader Erin O’Toole
                         erals are pledging to pursue include requiring all  has overtaken Trudeau in recent polls.™

       DoI moves towards leasing restart

        US               THE US Department of the Interior (DoI) is tak-
                         ing steps towards a court-ordered restart to its
                         federal oil and gas leasing programme.
                           US President Joe Biden had suspended the
                         programme upon taking office to allow the DoI
                         to carry out a review of its impacts and its value.
                         There was considerable concern that he would
                         end oil and gas development on federal land and
                         in federal waters altogether, given that this was
                         one of his election pledges. However, oil-produc-
                         ing states and various other groups challenged
                         the Biden administration’s leasing moratorium
                         in court, which led to a judge ordering that lease
                         sales resume.
                           The Biden administration is appealing  the sale itself is anticipated to be held in October
                         against the ruling, but has said that it will com-  or November.
                         ply with it. Last week, the DoI filed a court brief   This autumn, the BOEM is also set to issue
                         outlining the next steps that would be taken to  and take comments on a draft environmental
                         comply with the ruling. One of these steps – a  impact statement analysing Lease Sale 258 in
                         submission of the Record of Decision for Lease  Alaska’s Cook Inlet.
                         Sale 257 in the US Gulf of Mexico to the Federal   Onshore lease sales for federal acreage are
                         Register – has now been taken by the Bureau of  anticipated to take place in early 2022.
                         Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).        However, given the fact that the Biden
                           The record of decision was published to the  administration is seeking to have the court deci-
                         BOEM’s website this week. The sale notice for  sion overturned, and is trying to steer the US
                         Lease Sale 257 is expected to be published in Sep-  onto a path away from oil and gas more broadly,
                         tember, according to the DoI’s court brief, and  operators may be hesitant to take part.™

       Week 35   02•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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