Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 35 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       More progress towards Line

       3 replacement start-up

        NORTH AMERICA    ENBRIDGE’S Line 3 replacement pipeline from  filed by an indigenous group, is still pending.
                         Alberta to the US Midwest is inching closer to   Separately, on September 1, Enbridge noti-
                         start-up, with more progress this week.  fied oil shippers that it would offer capacity for
                           On August 30, a Minnesota appeals judge  620,000 barrels per day (bpd) on Line 3 starting
                         ruled that a state regulator did not violate Minne-  in October. The news signifies the company’s
                         sota law when it issued a permit under the Clean  growing confidence that the pipeline will now
                         Water Act (CWA) to Enbridge for the project.  enter service in the coming weeks, following
                         Minnesota Court of Appeals Judge Tracy Smith  delays related to the regulatory approval process
                         affirmed the permit, granted by the Minnesota  and legal challenges.
                         Control Pollution Agency (MCPA), rejecting   The initial capacity breaks down into 350,000
                         arguments by opponents that the regulator had  bpd for light oil and 270,000 bpd for heavy
                         violated state-water quality standards because it  crude, Reuters reported. The news service cited
                         did not study alternative routes.    two sources familiar with the matter as saying
                           The decision marks the latest victory for  Enbridge could begin filling the pipeline from
                         Enbridge in the face of a series of last-ditch  September 15. Meanwhile, Canadian crude
                         efforts by opponents of the pipeline to have it  traders reported oil price differentials tighten-
                         halted. A week earlier, the Minnesota Supreme  ing in anticipation of the extra capacity entering
                         Court denied a petition by environmental and  service.
                         indigenous groups seeking its review of a rul-  The pipeline replacement will roughly double
                         ing that affirmed the Minnesota Public Utilities  the capacity on Line 3 to 760,000 bpd at its peak.
                         Commission’s (PUC) approval of the project.  Enbridge anticipates the pipeline to flow at full
                           At least one further lawsuit against the pipeline,  capacity in the fourth quarter of this year.™


       Enerplus whittles down

       Williston Basin assets

        WILLISTON        ENERPLUS announced this week that it had   “The sale of our legacy position in Montana
        BASIN            agreed to sell its interests in the Sleeping Giant  and the Russian Creek acreage in North Dakota,
                         field of Montana and the Russian Creek area of  properties which were not attracting capital in
                         North Dakota, both part of the Williston Basin.  our portfolio, brings significant value forward
                           The definitive agreement is worth $115mn,  and accelerates our debt reduction plans,” said
                         and the buyer has not been named. Enerplus also  Enerplus’ president and CEO, Ian Dundas.
                         stands to receive up to $5mn in contingent pay-  “We now estimate that we will achieve our
                         ments if West Texas Intermediate (WTI) prices  CAD400mn [$317mn] debt reduction target by
                         average above $65 per barrel in 2022 and over  the end of the first quarter of 2022, based on the
                         $60 per barrel in 2023.              current commodity price environment. While
                           The sale comes as Enerplus continues to hone  debt reduction remains our priority, we believe
                         its portfolio in the Williston Basin, which con-  our shares are trading in an attractive price
                         tains the Bakken play. The company has made  range, and as a result, we plan to direct approxi-
                         two purchases of Bakken assets earlier this  mately 10% of the sale proceeds to incremental
                         year. It bought 151,000 net acres (611 square  share repurchases.”
                         km) from Bruin E&P for $465mn and 78,700   Enerplus’ working interest production
                         net acres (318 square km) from Hess – some  from the assets averaged roughly 3,000 barrels
                         of which were already contiguous to Enerplus  of oil equivalent per day (boepd) from 244 net
                         assets – for $312mn.                 wells in the second quarter of 2021. Crude
                           The company said this week that the interests  and natural gas liquids (NGLs) accounted for
                         it is now selling do not include any future drilling  around 77% of this. The estimated 2022 net
                         locations in its identified Williston Basin inven-  operating income associated with the inter-
                         tory. Proceeds from the sale will largely be used  ests is roughly $22mn based on a WTI oil
                         to pay down debt.                    price of $60 per barrel.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   02•September•2021
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