Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 35 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            share and 2,986,787 common shares issued in   adding high-margin Haynesville production
                                           connection with the acquisition at a deemed   and substantial core drilling inventory while
       Spartan Delta announces             issuance price of CAD5.30 per common share.  providing additional global market access
                                             In accordance with their terms, each
                                                                                through the LNG corridor. It also further de-
       closing of previously               subscription receipt issued pursuant to the   risks our enterprise, increases free cash flow,
                                                                                extends our maturity profile and accelerates
                                           financing was exchanged for one common
       announced acquisition and           share contemporaneous with the completion   our deleveraging goals. Looking ahead, we
                                           of the acquisition, and the net proceeds of
                                                                                will continue to pursue opportunities to
       financing, three-year plan,         CAD144.3mn were released to Spartan from   further increase our scale and enhance our
                                           escrow. Holders of subscription receipts are
                                                                                ability to responsibly and sustainably drive
       and inaugural ESG report            not required to take any action in order to   additional value for our shareholders.”
                                                                                  Southwestern Energy is providing
                                           receive the underlying common shares.
       Spartan Delta is pleased to announce   SPARTAN DELTA, August 31, 2021    updated 2021 guidance, which incorporates
       the closing of its previously announced                                  the acquired Haynesville assets starting on
       acquisition of Velvet Energy, a privately held   Southwestern Energy     September 1, 2021. Free cash flow generation
       light-oil Montney producer with operations                               for 2021 is expected to increase to a range of
       primarily in the Gold Creek, Karr and Pouce   completes acquisition of   $425-475mn. The company plans to use this
       Coupe areas of northwest Alberta.                                        increased cash flow for debt reduction, which
         Total consideration for the Acquisition   Indigo Natural Resources     is expected to drive its leverage below its two
       is approximately CAD751.5mn, comprised                                   times net debt to Ebitda target by the end of
       of CAD355.9mn of cash, the issuance of   and updates 2021 guidance       2021.
       2,986,787 common shares of Spartan, and                                    In Haynesville, the company expects
       the assumption of Velvet’s net debt estimated   Southwestern Energy today announced that   to complete the 2021 capital investment
       to be CAD382.6mn. The Acquisition was   it has closed the acquisition of Indigo Natural   programme currently in progress, and will
       funded by a combination of cash on hand, net   Resources.                average six rigs and approximately two
       proceeds released to Spartan pursuant to its    “We are excited to incorporate Indigo’s   completion crews, placing 15-20 gross wells
       previously announced CAD150.0mn bought   assets into SWN’s premier US natural gas   to sales. To incorporate the investment in
       deal equity financing (the “Financing”), a   portfolio. More importantly, we want to   Haynesville, the company’s expected 2021
       new CAD150.0mn five-year term facility and   welcome many of its talented people to   capital investment range has increased to
       advances under the Company’s revolving   Southwestern. They complement our high-  $1,085-1,145mn, which also includes the
       credit facility with increased borrowing   performance culture and share our collective   associated increase in capitalisation of interest
       capacity of up to CAD450.0mn.       passion to stretch the limits of what is   and expense.
         Post completion of the financing and   possible,” said Bill Way, Southwestern Energy   SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY, September 01, 2021
       the acquisition, Spartan has 147,169,390   president and chief executive officer.
       common shares issued and outstanding,   “With these assets and newly expanded   Contango completes
       inclusive of the 29,703,000 common shares   team, we are well positioned to take the
       issued in connection with the financing at a   company to the next level. This acquisition   acquisition of Wind River
       subscription price of CAD5.05 per common   materially expands our opportunity set,
                                                                                Basin assets

                                                                                Contango Oil & Gas today announced
                                                                                the successful completion of its previously
                                                                                announced acquisition of low decline,
                                                                                conventional gas assets in the Wind River
                                                                                Basin of Wyoming from ConocoPhillips.
                                                                                CONTANGO OIL & GAS, August 31, 2021


                                                                                UGI completes acquisition

                                                                                of Mountaineer Gas

                                                                                UGI has completed the previously announced
                                                                                acquisition of Mountaintop Energy Holdings,
                                                                                owner of Mountaineer Gas, the largest
                                                                                gas local distribution company in West
                                                                                Virginia, for an enterprise value of $540mn.
                                                                                With all closing conditions now satisfied,
                                                                                including final regulatory approval from the
                                                                                West Virginia Public Service Commission,

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   02•September•2021
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