Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 35 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                infrastructure company. Tourmaline’s
                                                                                reduction in Topaz equity is also in step with
                                                                                its commitment to continue to reduce overall
                                                                                debt levels of Tourmaline and accelerate
                                                                                shareholder returns as the long-term debt
                                                                                target is achieved. The offering will expand
                                                                                Topaz’s free-trading share float and provide
                                                                                new and existing shareholders with enhanced
                                                                                trading liquidity which is in-line with Topaz’s
                                                                                strategic objectives.
                                                                                TOURMALINE OIL AND TOPAZ ENERGY, August
                                                                                30, 2021
                                                                                Enbridge announces

                                                                                executive leadership


                                                                                Enbridge today announced the following
                                                                                executive leadership changes, effective
                                                                                October 1, 2021.
       Mountaineer becomes the newest wholly-  pleased with this acquisition as it supports our   Vern Yu is appointed Executive Vice
       owned subsidiary of UGI.            strategy of delivering reliable earnings growth   President and Chief Financial Officer taking
         UGI also announced that C. David Lokant   and rebalancing our portfolio.”  over from Colin Gruending. Vern will be
       has been named president of Mountaineer,   UGI, September 01, 2021       accountable for all the Company’s financial
       effective immediately. Mr. Lokant will assume                            affairs including Budgeting, Financial
       responsibility for all aspects of Mountaineer’s                          Planning & Reporting, Treasury, Investor
       operations. Mr. Lokant previously served   MOVES                         Relations, Tax, Risk, Insurance and Audit
       as Chief Operating Officer and Senior                                    management functions as well as Sustained
       Vice President for Mountaineer. He joined   Tourmaline and Topaz         Business Optimization. Prior to this role, Vern
       Mountaineer when West Virginia Power Gas                                 was Executive Vice President & President,
       assets were purchased from UtiliCorp in   announce CAD108mn bought       Liquids Pipelines. During his 25+ year tenure
       2000. Mr. Lokant has more than 30 years of                               with Enbridge, Vern has held executive roles
       industry experience and has held a variety of   deal secondary offering of   in finance, strategic planning, corporate
       positions throughout his career in operations,                           development, and renewable power as well as
       regulatory relations, customer service,   Topaz common shares            leading the business and market development
       accounting, and engineering.                                             activities for Liquids Pipelines during a period
         Mountaineer serves nearly 215,000   Tourmaline Oil and Topaz Energy announced   of substantive growth. Vern has a Master of
       customers across 50 of West Virginia’s 55   today that they have entered into an   Business Administration, Bachelor of Applied
       counties. The customer base is approximately   agreement with Peters & Co., on behalf of a   Science (Engineering) and is a Professional
       90% residential, with the remaining 10%   syndicate of underwriters, pursuant to which   Engineer.
       comprised of commercial and industrial   the underwriters have agreed to purchase,   Colin Gruending is appointed Executive
       customers. Mountaineer is fully regulated,   on a bought deal basis, from Tourmaline   Vice President and President Liquids
       and its system has nearly 6,000 miles of   7,000,000 common shares of the company at   Pipelines taking over from Vern Yu. Colin
       distribution, transmission, and gathering   a price of CAD15.45 per common share for   will be accountable for all of Liquids Pipelines
       pipelines.                          total gross proceeds to the selling shareholder   operations and business development. Prior to
         “We are very pleased to complete this   of CAD108.15mn. The company will not   this role, Colin was Executive Vice President
       important acquisition and expand our   receive any of the proceeds of the offering.  & Chief Financial Officer. During his 22+
       core utility operations in the mid-Atlantic   The selling shareholder currently holds   years with Enbridge, Colin has a developed
       region. I am also confident that Dave will   58,149,494 common shares of Topaz,   a deep understanding of the business and
       provide excellent leadership of Mountaineer,”   representing approximately 45.17% of the   operations having held several executive
       said Roger Perreault, President and Chief   issued and outstanding common shares.   leadership roles in finance, investor relations,
       Executive Officer of UGI. “This addition   Following the closing of the offering, the   accounting, pension management, strategic
       provides us with an opportunity to deliver   selling shareholder will hold 51,149,494   planning, corporate development, and M&A.
       safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally   common shares, representing approximately   Colin has a Bachelor of Commerce and holds
       responsible energy solutions to customers   39.73% of the issued and outstanding   Chartered Professional Accountant and
       in West Virginia. We see significant   common shares of Topaz.           Chartered Financial Analyst designations.
       opportunities to make regulated investments   Tourmaline is selling the common shares   “These executive appointments once again
       focused on long-term system enhancement   as part of a long-term plan to reduce its equity   illustrate our ongoing emphasis on developing
       and expand the reach of natural gas to both   position as Topaz develops and continues   our people and further strengthening our
       unserved and underserved areas. We are also   to succeed as an independent royalty and   executive team for the future,” said Al

       Week 35   02•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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