Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 29
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Two more producers file

       for bankruptcy protection

        US               THE number of oil industry bankruptcy filings   If the agreement is implemented, it will
                         continues to rise. Last week’s announcement that  reduce California Resources’ debt by over $5bn,
                         California Resources was filing for Chapter 11  the company said in a July 15 statement. The
                         bankruptcy protection was followed by news  bankruptcy filing showed that the producer
                         this week that Bruin E&P Partners was following  owed more than 50,000 creditors about $6.1bn,
                         suit. On the oilfield services side, meanwhile, BJ  including $5bn of funded debt.
                         Services has also announced a bankruptcy filing.  California Resources’ bankruptcy filing is
                           California Resources is the State of Califor-  the largest since the current downturn started to
                         nia’s largest oil and gas producer. It was spun off   be filed by a conventional producer. The other
                         from Occidental Petroleum in 2014 and inher-  major bankruptcy filings since March have come
                         ited more than $6bn in debt. With the last oil  from shale producers – including Whiting Petro-
                         price downturn also starting in 2014, the com-  leum, Chesapeake Energy and Extraction Oil
                         pany saw its asset base diminish compared to its  & Gas – with a handful of smaller players also
                         debt load.                           falling into bankruptcy. In total, 18 oil and gas
                           California Resources had paid down some  companies filed for bankruptcy protection in the
                         of its debt from a peak of $6.7bn in 2015, but  second quarter
                         was still holding about $5bn in debt at the start   Joining these shale drillers now is Bruin,
                         of 2020, and the new downturn that started in  which focuses on the Bakken and Three Forks   California
                         March proved too much for the company.  plays in North Dakota. Bruin, which is backed by
                           “We have consistently operated within cash  private equity firm ArcLight, said it was forced to   Resources’
                         flow, significantly reducing the outsized debt  file for bankruptcy after its lenders reduced the
                         burden we inherited from Occidental Petroleum  company’s credit line, causing it to be overdrawn  bankruptcy filing
                         at our December 2014 spin-off. However, today’s  by more than $170mn.
                         unprecedented market conditions, including   “Despite owning and operating a valuable   is the largest
                         oversupply and reduced demand due to [coro-  portfolio of oil and gas properties, at currently   since the current
                         navirus] COVID-19, require that we further  depressed commodity prices, the debtors do
                         reduce our debt through a Chapter 11 process,”  not have sufficient liquidity to cure the bor-  downturn started
                         said California Resources’ president and CEO,  rowing base deficiency,” Bruin said in its bank-
                         Todd Stevens.                        ruptcy filing. “The debtors’ current debt load is   to be filed by
                           The company has entered into a restructuring  unsustainable.”
                         support agreement with holders of around 84%   According to the filing, Bruin has about $1bn   a conventional
                         of its 2017 term loans, 51% of its 2016 term loans  of debt and $11mn of cash on hand. The com-  producer.
                         and its Elk Hills midstream joint venture partner,  pany has estimated proven reserves of about
                         Ares Management. Under the proposed agree-  193mn barrels of oil equivalent (boe) and pro-
                         ment, shareholders will be wiped out and inves-  duced about 37,000 boe per day in 2019.
                         tors holding the 2017 loan will receive 93% of the   More bankruptcies are looming. Denbury
                         reorganised company. Lower-ranking creditors  Resources missed its July debt payment, while
                         will share the remaining 7% if they vote in favour  Chaparral Energy has asked lenders for more
                         of the proposal, which must be approved in a US  time, setting both companies on course for a
                         bankruptcy court.                    possible default in the near future.™

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