Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 29
P. 15

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       US, India discuss oil reserve co-operation

        US-INDIA         OFFICIALS representing the US and India have  after oil prices collapsed and the coronavirus
                         signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU)  (COVID-19) pandemic began to hit demand.
                         on co-operation relating to emergency crude  However, US Congress failed to agree on
                         reserves. The two sides are discussing sharing  funding this initiative. Instead, some SPR
                         knowhow on the establishment of strategic  capacity is now being leased to several oil
                         petroleum reserves (SPRs), and also the possi-  companies, but additional spare capacity is
                         bility of India storing oil in the US’ SPR.  thought to remain.
                           US Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette told   The discussions between India and the US
                         reporters during a teleconference that the two  have taken place after the latter finalised an SPR
                         countries’ officials would discuss details of the  lease agreement with Australia in early June. This
       The discussions   emergency reserves in the coming months.  agreement, which was described by US officials
       between India and   Indian Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas  as “historic”, allows Australia to lease space in the
       the US have taken   Dharmendra Pradhan also participated in the  SPR to store Australian-owned oil and access
       place after the latter   teleconference.               this oil during an emergency. Australia agreed to
       finalised an SPR    The MoU comes as India seeks to overcome  spend around $59mn on the initiative, needing
       lease agreement with   its domestic SPR capacity constraints and benefit  to increase its stockpile to meet International
       Australia in June.  from the current low oil price while storing the  Energy Agency (IEA) fuel security rules when
                         crude until a later date. The Asian country has  its own storage tanks were full and also seeking
                         the capacity to store 39mn barrels in its strate-  to take advantage of low crude prices.
                         gic reserve, while the US SPR has a capacity of   This was the first time the US had agreed to
                         714mn barrels. Pradhan said in May that India  lease SPR capacity to another country. Brouillette
                         had resorted to using floating storage, having  said last week that co-operation on the issue with
                         filled its strategic capacity.       India could follow the same path as Australia, but
                           In March, US President Donald Trump  that there was “no predetermined outcome” for
                         ordered Brouillette to fill the SPR to capacity  talks with the Asian country.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Hibernia production shut

       down after fluid spill

        NEWFOUNDLAND     OUTPUT at the Hibernia oil platform offshore   No impact on wildlife has been detected, nor
        AND LABRADOR     Newfoundland and Labrador in Eastern Canada  have any workers been injured during the inci-
                         was temporarily shut down following a spill of  dent. All wells at the project are in a “safe state”,
                         drilling and production fluids on July 19.  according to the C-NLOPB.
                           The Hibernia Management and Develop-  A gravity-based structure (GBS) is used to
                         ment Co. (HMDC) reported the incident to reg-  produce oil at Hibernia, which has been in oper-
                         ulators on July 20, after finding an “exceedance of  ation since 1997 and has a capacity of 220,000
                         produced water discharge” during well flowback  barrels per day (bpd). However, production at
                         operations. The findings led to an immediate  the field has declined as it has matured, and was
                         shutdown of production at Hibernia, which is  averaging just under 112,000 bpd over 2018-
                         located roughly 315 km east of St. John’s, and to  19, according to the C-NLOPB. Last year, the
                         the discharge being isolated.        HMDC was reported to be considering more
                           The Canada-Newfoundland and Labra-  subsea drilling work at the field in order to fur-
                         dor Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB)  ther extend its life. However, it is not yet known
                         noted that a sheen was detected by a satel-  how these plans have been affected by the 2020
                         lite 2.5 km from the platform and confirmed  oil price downturn.
                         by vessel observation. A remotely operated   ExxonMobil is the largest shareholder in the
                         vehicle (ROV) was deployed and confirmed  HMDC with a 33.125% interest. Chevron holds
                         that there was no continuous release, the  a 26.875%, Suncor Energy owns 20%, Canada
                         board added. The HMDC has also deployed  Hibernia Holding has a 8.5% stake, Murphy Oil
                         a tracker buoy to continue surveillance of  owns 6.5% and Equinor has the remaining 5%
                         the area. The volume of the discharge and its  interest.
                         composition were still in the process of being   On July 22, the HMDC said production at the
                         determined as of July 21.            platform was gradually resuming.™

       Week 29   23•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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