Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 29
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Pompeo paves way

       for more sanctions

       against Nord Stream 2

        GLOBAL           US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced
                         on July 15 that Washington would remove an
                         exemption protecting Russia’s Nord Stream 2
                         gas pipeline from US sanctions introduced in
                         2017, just as another sanctions bill makes its way
                         through US Congress.
                           The US strongly opposes Nord Stream 2,
                         which aims to pump an extra 55bn cubic metres
                         per year of Russian gas to northern Germany,
                         claiming it will allow Moscow to exert greater
                         political influence in Europe. But Russian offi-
                         cials say the US is simply protecting the interests
                         of its LNG exporters.
                           The US introduced a first wave of sanctions
                         against Nord Stream 2 in December under the
                         Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act, threat-
                         ening to punish companies involved in its con-
                         struction. This led to Swiss contractor Allseas
                         quitting the project, bringing work to a halt with
                         just 6% of Nord Stream 2’s offshore section left
                         to complete.
                           A second bill is now awaiting approval from  could start flowing gas in early 2021.  Just 6% of Nord Stream
                         both US houses, called the Protecting Europe’s   “Let me be clear: These aren’t commercial   2’s offshore section still
                         Energy Security Clarification Act, which would  projects,” Pompeo said. “They are the Krem-  needs to be completed.
                         impose sanctions not only on companies  lin’s key tools to exploit and expand European
                         involved in pipelaying, but also those providing  dependence on Russian energy supplies, tools
                         underwriting services, insurance or reinsurance  that undermine Ukraine by cutting off gas
                         for the project.                     transiting that critical democracy, a tool that
                           Back in 2017, the US also passed the Coun-  ultimately undermines transatlantic security.”
                         tering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions   One of the central goals of Nord Stream 2 is
                         Act, which would have led to much harsher  to allow Russia to reduce gas transit via Ukraine.
        A second bill is   financial penalties for those assisting the project.  The project was unveiled in 2015, a year after
                         However, then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson  relations between Moscow and Kyiv collapsed
         now awaiting    exempted Nord Stream 2 and Russia’s now-com-  following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the
           approval      plete pipeline to Turkey, TurkStream, as work on  breakout of civil war in eastern Ukraine.
                                                                Russia’s foreign ministry responded to Pom-
                         both had already started.
                                                              peo’s words by repeating its argument that Wash-
                           In a conference on July 15, Tillerson’s suc-
         from both US    cessor Pompeo said his department’s guidelines  ington’s sanctions are simply a tool for “unfair
        houses, called   would be revised, clearing a path for the Trump  competition” in supplying Europe’s gas.
                                                                Both Germany and the EU have made it very
                         administration to introduce measures against
        the Protecting   Nord Stream 2 under the 2017 law.    clear that they strongly oppose US meddling
                           “This action puts investment or other activ-
                                                              with a European energy project. Measures have
           Europe’s      ities that are related to these Russian energy  been discussed to protect sanctioned companies
        Energy Security   export pipelines at risk of US sanctions,” Pompeo  and possibly retaliate against US penalties.
                                                                “As elected representatives of the American
                         told reporters. “It’s a clear warning to companies
       Clarification Act.  aiding and abetting Russia’s malign influence  people, you undoubtedly and rightfully resist
                         that projects will not be tolerated. Get out now,  all attempts to interfere in the internal Affairs
                         or risk the consequences.”           of Texas, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania,” the
                           Russia has its own pipelaying vessels sta-  chairman of the economic and energy commit-
                         tioned off the German coast that are expected  tee of Germany’s Bundestag, Klaus Ernst, said
                         to complete Nord Stream 2 over the coming  in a letter to US lawmakers last week. “Europe,
                         months, raising doubts about how effective  in turn, expects that you will respect the deci-
                         further US sanctions will be. Russian Pres-  sions that were taken democratically within
                         ident Vladimir Putin has said the pipeline  the European Union.”™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   23•July•2020
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