Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 29
P. 16

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                              Dotson commented, “I am looking    has seen production approaching 9,000 net
                                           forward to leveraging my decades of industry   barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) and
       ConocoPhillips announces            experience operating in multiple basins to   anticipates on-going improvement.
                                                                                The company did perform four conversions
                                           build a large-scale oil and gas enterprise.”
       agreement to acquire                said: “Vitol has more than 20 years of   from electrical submersible pumps (ESP) to
                                             Ben Marshall, Head of Vitol Americas,
                                                                                rod pumps (two Northwest Shelf (NWS)/ two
       liquids-rich Montney                experience developing and operating E&P   Central Basin Platform (CBP) in the second
                                                                                quarter 2020.
                                           assets globally. Vitol’s strong balance sheet
       acreage from Kelt                   and global operating experience coupled   company has drilled four new horizontal wells
                                                                                  In the six months ended June 30, 2020, the
                                           with Don’s extensive US-focused technical
       Exploration                         and operating experience is a powerful   on its NWS asset. In addition, the company
                                           combination of capabilities for success.”
                                                                                performed 13 conversions from ESP to rod
       ConocoPhillips today announced it has   VITOL, July 20, 2020             pumps (six NWS/seven CBP).
       signed a definitive agreement to acquire                                   Mr. Danny Wilson, Ring’s executive
       additional Montney acreage in Canada from   Ring Energy releases         vice president and chief operating officer,
       Kelt Exploration for cash consideration of                               commented: “As we move forward with our
       approximately $375mn before customary   second-quarter 2020              rod conversion program, we continue to be
       adjustments, plus the assumption of                                      encouraged by the lowering of our failure
       approximately $30mn in financing obligations   operations update         rates and overall expenses. Overall run times
       for associated partially owned infrastructure.                           across the fields have increased dramatically.
         This acquisition is 140,000 net acres in the   Ring Energy today released its operations   In addition, the lower costs to work on the rod
       liquids-rich Inga-Fireweed asset Montney   update for the second quarter of 2020. On   pumped wells is leading to greatly reduced
       zone, which is directly adjacent to the   March 9, 2020, management stated in a   capital needs. We currently estimate our
       company’s existing Montney position. The   release that the company had ceased all   capital expenditure budget (capex) for 2020 to
       transaction increases the company’s Montney   drilling activity due to the drop in commodity   be approximately $25-27mn.”
       acreage position to 295,000 net acres with   prices. On the company’s first quarter 2020   As a result, net estimated production for
       100% working interest.              conference call, management reconfirmed   the second quarter of 2020 was approximately
       CONOCOPHILLIPS, July 22, 2020       that decision due to the continued volatility   495,000 barrels of oil equivalent (boe), or an
                                           in the marketplace and the large differential   average of 5,500 boepd. June 2020 average net
       Vitol establishes US                in pricing between the NYSE WTI spot price   production was approximately 6,968 boepd.
                                                                                For the six months ended June 30, 2020, net
                                           and the actual price received. In addition,
       upstream venture                    starting the last week of April, essentially all   estimated production was approximately
                                                                                1,486,000 boe, as compared to net production
                                           production, other than that associated with
       Vitol today announces that it has established   Ring’s Delaware Basin property, was curtailed.   of 1,545,130 boe for the six months ended
       Vencer Energy.                      The curtailments continued until early June,   June 30, 2019.
         Vencer will seek to acquire mature,   when, with commodity prices improving and   RING ENERGY, July 22, 2020
       producing oil and gas assets, with a specific   price differentials decreasing, the company
       focus on key basins in the US Lower 48. It   began to ramp up production, returning to
       will be led by industry veteran Don Dotson as   near April levels by the end of the quarter.   MIDSTREAM
       president and chief executive officer.  In the first two weeks of July, the company
                                                                                Hess Midstream provides

                                                                                update on Tioga gas plant

                                                                                maintenance turnaround

                                                                                Hess Midstream announced today that the
                                                                                planned maintenance turnaround at the Tioga
                                                                                Gas Plant (TGP) originally scheduled for the
                                                                                third quarter of 2020 will be deferred until
                                                                                2021 to ensure safe and timely execution in
                                                                                light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety
                                                                                of our workforce and the communities where
                                                                                we operate is our top priority.
                                                                                  In addition to the turnaround, the TGP
                                                                                expansion project is well advanced, with
                                                                                facility construction expected to be completed
                                                                                as previously announced by the end of
                                                                                2020. Incremental gas processing capacity
                                                                                is expected to be available in 2021 upon
                                                                                completion of the turnaround, during which
                                                                                the expansion and residue and natural gas

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   23•July•2020
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