Page 13 - DMEA Week 29 2021
P. 13

DMEA                                              FUELS                                               DMEA

       URC carries out Lake Victoria fuel trial

        AFRICA           UGANDA Railways Corp. (URC) completed a  about 185mn litres per month of fuel. Wakasenza
                         trial shipment of petroleum products via Lake  added that the rail route would be able to handle
                         Victoria last week, marking the first use of the  an initial 10-20mn litres per month of petro-
                         route in 16 years.                   leum products, with volumes rising eventually
                           Stephen Wakasenza, the acting managing  to 40mn litres per month, assuming that URC
                         director of state-owned URC, told Bloomberg  acquires a sufficient number of rail tank cars.
                         that his company had received 500,000 litres of   He also indicated that the state-run railway
                         fuel in the trial shipment. The petroleum prod-  operator was looking to expand its capacity to
                         ucts were delivered to Dar es Salaam, the largest  transport petroleum products by water across
                         city in Tanzania, and then transported by rail to  Lake Victoria. Currently, he said, URC has one
                         Mwanza, a port on Lake Victoria, before being  vessel capable of holding 880 tonnes and making
                         moved across the lake to Uganda, he said.  10 voyages per month and is repairing a second
                           Wakasenza explained that URC had carried  vessel of the same capacity. It also has access to a
                         out the trial shipment in a bid to open up a new  Kenyan boat that can transport around 4-6mn
                         delivery route for refined fuels. Uganda imports  litres per month of fuel, as well as a Tanzani-
                         nearly all of its petroleum products via Kenya  an-registered ship known as the Umoja, he said.
                         by road and pipeline and is eager to diversify, he   Kenya has also sought to use Lake Victoria
                         said.                                as a delivery route for petroleum products, with
                           “We are comfortable with Mombasa, but as a  state-controlled Kenya Pipeline Co. (KPC) using
                         country we need an alternative route for strategic  a specialised ship to transport rail tank cars full
                         reasons,” he told Bloomberg. “We are targeting  of fuel across the lake to destinations in Tanzania
                         oil because it is a product used daily.”  and Uganda. The company conducted a dry-run
                           John Friday, Uganda’s assistant commis-  test of this route in 2010, as well as a wet-run test
                         sioner for petroleum supplies, noted that the  that involved the transfer of petroleum products
                         East African country was currently consuming  from Kisumu to the Ugandan port of Jinja.™

       Abuja seeks funding for AKK pipeline

        AFRICA           NIGERIA’S federal government is looking for a   As of press time, the Reuters report could not
                         new source of funding so that Nigerian National  be confirmed. BOC declined to reply to the news
                         Petroleum Corp. (NNPC) can continue work on  agency’s request for comment, saying it could
                         the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) natural gas  not disclose information on specific loan agree-
                         pipeline project.                    ments, while Sinosure and Nigerian government
                           State-controlled NNPC had previously  agencies did not respond to inquiries.
                         arranged to cover most of the costs of the $2.8bn   For its part, NNPC declined to comment
                         project with $1.8bn worth of loans from the  directly but stated that it was continuing nego-
                         Bank of China (BOC) and China Export &  tiations with the Chinese lenders. “There’s no
                         Credit Insurance Corp. (Sinosure). However,  cause for alarm,” a spokesman for the company
                         sources close to the matter told the Chinese  told Reuters.
                         lenders were not disbursing the funds as quickly   The AKK pipeline will pump gas from fields
                         as anticipated.                      in the southern part of the country to new
                           More specifically, the sources said, BOC and  domestic customers, including thermal power
                         Sinosure have indicated that they are not willing  plants (TPPs) with a combined generating
                         to release funds before the end of the summer, as  capacity of 3,600 MW and petrochemical pro-
                         previously agreed. As a result, they said, work on  ducers that use gas as feedstock. As such, it is a
                         the pipeline is falling behind schedule.  key component of the Nigerian government’s
                           NNPC has responded by seeking to borrow  domestic gasification strategy.
                         money from export credit agencies (ECAs) and   NNPC and its contractors began building
                         other financial institutions so that it can proceed  the pipeline along a 614-km route that runs
                         with construction, they stated. They did not  northward from the left bank of the Niger river
                         name any potential new lenders.      in Kogi State to the capital city of Kano State in
                           According to one of the sources, BOC and  June 2020. When finished, the pipe will be able
                         Sinosure are delaying the release of loan funds  to carry 99.11mn cubic metres per day of gas, or
                         because of concerns about risk, especially in light  approximately 36.175bn cubic metres per year.
                         of other Chinese credits offered to Nigeria. “They  Initially, throughput will amount to around
                         are looking at Nigeria as one loan, and right now  56.64 mcm per day, or around 20.67 bcm per
                         they feel they are too exposed,” the source said.  year.™

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