Page 15 - DMEA Week 29 2021
P. 15
REFINING government panel. industrial co-products.
The panel found Haifa has become The waste and residue collection would
Oil Refineries shifts to “stagnant” with low population growth and be focused to promote and implement a
collection system for used cooked oil (UCO)
recommended phasing out within a decade
cleaner energy as Israel a number of factories, including those and of other agro-processing residues.
This initiative will contribute to
belonging to Oil Refineries, that supply
takes aim at polluters much of the country’s fuel products and diversifying Kenya’s energy mix and
petrochemicals used in materials like plastics
supporting the overall de-carbonization
Israel’s largest refining and petrochemicals and asphalt. process, while also decreasing the Country’s
group, Oil Refineries, said on Thursday it REUTERS dependence from imports of petroleum
would invest $1.5 billion to become a cleaner products. Other expected benefits include
energy company as it faces a government push developing sustainable agricultural activities
to shut down more polluting factories. FUELS and circular economy, producing power from
Israel has proposed shutting a major renewable sources, fostering the economic
industrial zone in the coastal city of Haifa Eni and Kenya to promote competitiveness of the local industry and
that health officials say has been hazardous creating new jobs.
for years and turning it into an eco-friendly biofuel sustainability The agreement contributes to the objectives
commercial and residential hub. of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
The country would in turn rely more Eni and the Ministry of Petroleum and to the UN Sustainable Development
heavily on imports. No final decision has been and Mining of Kenya signed today a Goals. The projects also contribute to the
made. read more Memorandum of Understanding to promote implementation of the Kenya Bioenergy
Haifa-based Oil Refineries, which controls the decarbonization process to tackle climate Strategy, Updated Nationally Determined
about two-thirds of the domestic fuel market, change through new industrial models of Contribution, Kenya’s National Development
has opposed the move. But the company’s new fully-integrated circular economy along the Plans, including Kenya Vision 2030. Also, the
10-year plan seems to bring it more in line whole bio-fuel production value chain. initiatives are in line with Eni’s commitment
with the government’s vision. The parties will jointly conduct feasibility to play a pivotal role in the decarbonization
In the plan presented to investors and studies to develop waste and residue process and with the Company’s target to
analysts, Oil Refineries said it will focus on collection as well as agricultural projects, with become palm-oil free by 2023 and to double
green hydrogen and alternative fuels for the purpose of establishing a wide range of bio-refineries capacity to around 2mln tons
transportation, advanced polymers that are feedstock sources that do not compete with by 2024.
recycled and biodegradable, and biopolymers. food cycles, to be transformed into bio-fuels Eni has been present in Kenya since 2013
At least $400 million will be invested and bio-products that might contribute through its subsidiary Eni Kenya.
in “new growth engines “and the rest is for to feed Eni’s bio-refineries in Gela and ENI
“improving and adapting existing assets, Venice, Italy. The parties will also assess the
assimilating advanced technologies to create opportunity of converting Mombasa refinery
and reducing the carbon footprint,” it said. into a bio-refinery, as well as the construction PETROCHEMICALS
Haifa, Israel’s third largest city and a key of a new plant for second-generation bio-
seaport, juts off the coastline into the eastern ethanol from waste biomass, leveraging on Saudi-owned Motiva
Mediterranean and has grown over the Eni technologies Ecofining™ e Proesa®.
past century into a crossroads for trade and The agricultural development project suspends petchem
industry. The city, in turn, has high levels of focuses on the development of sustainable
air pollution and residents suffer from an oil crop cultivations - namely, low ILUC expansion
“excess” of ailments linked to air pollution (indirect land use change) feedstock such as
such as respiratory disease, malignancies and cover crops, castor in degraded lands, croton Saudi-owned Motiva Enterprises LLC
birth defects, according to a recent report by a trees in agro-forestry systems and other agro- suspended a $6.6 billion plan to add
Week 29 22•July•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P15