Page 16 - DMEA Week 29 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       petrochemical facilities to its refining   in-field chemical treatments.  Port of Duqm has announced the formal
       operations in Port Arthur, Texas, according to   On the contract win, Miguel Gonzalez, VP   launch of an international competitive tender
       people familiar with the matter.    of Halliburton (Multi-Chem), said: “We are   for the selection of an operator to develop and
         The decision to halt the project—which   excited to provide our production chemical   manage a world-class Container Terminal
       had envisioned the creation of the biggest   expertise and management services to help   planned at the facility.
       refining and petrochemical operation in   our customer maximize their asset value in   An Invitation to Prequalify (ITP) floated by
       the U.S.—comes as Aramco dials back its   Oman.”                       Port of Duqm solicits Expressions of Interest
       diversification plans and refocuses on its   “This collaboration aims to improve   from qualified parties, one of whom will go on
       core business of pumping oil and natural gas,   operational efficiencies and reliability   to acquiring a 30-year license to develop and
       according to the people.            by applying tailored solutions and close   operate the first phase of the port’s Container
         The Wall Street Journal previously reported   alignment between parties,” he stated.  Terminal project. Capacity is envisioned at
       that Aramco had slowed the petrochemical   According to him, Halliburton’s facilities in   1.7 million TEU with additional scope for
       project amid a review last year of investments   Oman will support the project.   expansion in the future, the port noted.
       at home and abroad. The review followed   “Additionally, we will manufacture key raw   Of the commercial berth’s total length
       financial pressure from lower oil prices and a   materials for the contract’s portfolio at the   of 2250 metres, around 1600 metres are
       heavy dividend burden that Aramco took on   new Halliburton Saudi Chemical Reaction   earmarked for two Container Terminals
       when it went public in 2019.        Plant. Opening at the end of 2021, the facility   offering a combined capacity of 3.5 million
         The plans could still change and the project   increases Halliburton’s capabilities to support   TEUs per annum.
       could get the green light eventually. But the   Oman and the region,” stated Gonzalez.   Future capacity additions could potentially
       suspension won’t be revisited for at least a   The company also expects to hire and   boost container handling volumes to over 20
       year, the people said.              develop local personnel to deliver the   million TEUs per year.
         The state-run company now plans to   contract’s scope of work, he added.  Also planned elsewhere along the
       invest almost all of its $35 billion capital   Halliburton’s global laboratory and   commercial berth are a 300-metre-long dry
       expenditure budget this year toward boosting   team in Dhahran Techno Valley and local   bulk terminal with a capacity of about 5
       oil and natural-gas production, according   manufacturing uniquely position the   million metric tons per year, and a 425-metre-
       to people familiar with those plans. Aramco   company to accelerate the production of next   long multipurpose terminal for cargoes
       said last year it was working to increase its oil   generation specialty chemical solutions while   totalling 800,000 metric tons per year.
       production capacity by one million barrels a   developing local employees and capabilities.  This week’s announcement comes as Port
       day to 13 million barrels a day.       The new Oman plant will have capabilities   of Duqm, which anchors one of the biggest
       WSJ                                 to manufacture a broad slate of chemicals   industrial and economic hubs in the Middle
                                           for stimulation, production, midstream,   East, prepares to ramp up commercial
       Halliburton wins production         and downstream engineered treatment   operations ahead of the start-up of a
                                                                                number of strategic, mega ventures nearing
       chemicals services                  HALLIBURTON                          completion at the adjoining Special Economic
                                                                                Zone (SEZ).
       contract in Oman                    TERMINALS & SHIPPING                 refinery (previously known as Duqm
                                                                                  Notable is the multi-billion-dollar OQ8
       Halliburton, one of the world’s largest                                  Refinery) of the partnership of OQ Group
       providers of products and services to the   Oman launches tender for     (Oman’s integrated energy group) and Kuwait
       energy industry, said it has secured a contract                          Petroleum International).
       to provide production chemicals and   new container terminal at            Together with elements of the world-
       associated services for a large international oil                        scale Liquid Terminal within the port, the
       company in Oman.                    Duqm                                 Crude Oil Terminal at Ras Markaz, the new
         Under the seven-year contract, Halliburton                             Integrated Power and Water Scheme nearby,
       will supply a full suite of customized products   Marking a key step in its evolution into a   and a string of industrial, logistical and
       along with specialised services to support the   full-fledged, multipurpose maritime gateway,   economic projects, a rapid uptick in activity at

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   22•July•2021
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