Page 17 - DMEA Week 29 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       the SEZ and port is anticipated in the next 2   overlooking the Arabian Sea and Indian   invited to present their qualifications and
       – 3 years.                        Ocean beyond. Its relative proximity to   indicative commercial strategy, under an
         It also comes as Duqm Port’s marine   regional markets in the Middle East, the   Expression of Interest (EoI) submission, on
       infrastructure of the Commercial Berth is   Indian sub-continent and East Africa is also   the basis of which a shortlist of prequalified
       substantially complete, paving the way for   seen as particularly beneficial.  bidders will be established to carry out a
       Port of Duqm Company (PoDC) to now     Interested bidders have until September   competitive dialogue for developing the
       focus on the development and operation of   9, 2021 to submit their Expressions of   project agreements and selecting a preferred
       dedicated terminals with the support of well-  Interest, according to the Port of Duqm   bidder for award,” the JV said.
       established international players.  Company (PoDC), a 50:50 joint venture   “The selected operator will be granted a 30-
         International interest in Port of Duqm’s   between the Government of the Sultanate of   year license agreement to develop and operate
       tender is expected to be strong, given   Oman (represented by Asyad Group) and   the facility, while marine infrastructure, yard
       Duqm’s positioning as a new economic   Consortium Antwerp Port (CAP).    paving and buildings are already available,” it
       growth pole for the Sultanate, coupled with   “PoDC is publishing an Invitation to   further stated.
       its advantageous geographical location   Prequalify (ITP) where respondents are   OMAN DAILY OBSERVER

       Week 29   22•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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