Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 23 2022
P. 12

NorthAmOil                    NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                     NorthAmOil

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  FSUOGM: Azerbaijan eyes extra gas mar-
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  ket share in Europe
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  Azerbaijan is prepared to ship gas to new cus-
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  tomers to help the continent wean itself off Rus-
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  sian supplies, President Ilham Aliyev said on
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link  June 1, noting that negotiations were already
                         for each section the full text will be available as  underway with potential customers. Prospects
                         before.                              for a growth in Azeri gas supply to Europe hinge
                                                              on an expansion of the Southern Gas Corridor,
                         AfrOil: Impact Oil & Gas may exit Namib-  the network of pipelines that carry gas produced
                         ia’s Venus project                   in the Azeri Caspian Sea as far as Italy.
                         South Africa’s Impact Oil & Gas is reportedly
                         mulling the possibility of selling its 20% stake  GLNG: Egypt, EU poised to agree on LNG
                         in Block 2913B offshore Namibia, which con-  exports
                         tains the massive Venus-1x discovery. Four  Egypt is poised to sign a memorandum of under-
                         industry sources told Reuters earlier this  standing (MoU) with the EU on deliveries of gas
                         week that the privately owned company had  extracted from Israeli fields in the eastern Med-
                         hired Jefferies Group, a US investment bank-  iterranean and processed into LNG at Egyptian
                         ing company, to serve as its adviser for the sale  terminals. The signing will take place in late June,
                         process.                             when European Commission President Ursula
                                                              von der Leyen visits Cairo.
                         AsianOil:  Sasanof-1 well off  Australia
                         comes up dry                         LatAmOil: US reportedly allowing Eni,
                         Privately owned Western Gas has reported that  Repsol to export Venezuelan oil
                         its Sasanof-1 exploration well offshore Western  The US government appears to be moving for-
                         Australia found no commercial reserves of oil  ward with steps to loosen sanctions on Venezue-
                         and gas. The well had been described as one of  la’s oil sector. The restrictions that Washington
                         the most closely watched exploration campaigns  has imposed on Caracas penalise trade in Vene-
                         of the year so far in Australia, and the result is  zuelan oil or fuel.
                         seen as a major disappointment.
                                                              MEOG: FEED deal and FPSO arrival
                         DMEA: Pipeline preparations and fuel pric-  This week’s MEOG includes coverage of a major
                         es                                   FEED contract award in Qatar and the arrival
                         This week’s DMEA includes an update on laying  of an FPSO in Israel. US engineer McDermott
                         the groundwork on a pipeline running from the  International was awarded an engineering con-
                         Gulf to the Red Sea, while the Liberian govern-  tract by Qatar’s North Oil Co. (NOC) for the
                         ment said it would not increase fuel prices. Jor-  third phase development of Qatar’s offshore
                         dan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ayman Safadi  Al-Shaheen oilfield. NOC is a 70:30 JV between
                         said this week that preparations for the develop-  state-owned QatarEnergy and France’s TotalEn-
                         ment of an oil export pipeline connecting Iraq’s  ergies. Meanwhile, London and Tel Aviv-listed
                         Basra Governorate to the Red Sea port of Aqaba  Energean’s production unit has arrived in Israeli
                         have reached 80%. Meanwhile, Liberia’s Ministry  waters in preparation for the start of develop-
                         of Commerce and Industry said in a statement  ment at the Karish gas field.
                         on June 3 that it did not intend to make any dras-
                         tic changes in the domestic fuel pricing regime  NorthAmOil: Energy Transfer finalises an-
                         before the end of this month.        other offtake agreement
                                                              US-based Energy Transfer has signed an LNG
                         EurOil: UK U-turns on windfall tax   sales and purchase agreement with China Gas
                         The UK government imposed a 25% tax on  Hongda Energy Trading, a subsidiary of China
                         profits by oil and gas companies in late May,  Gas Holdings. The deal is the fifth to be signed by
                         marking a policy U-turn and a departure from  Energy Transfer since March for supply of LNG
                         the North Sea industry-friendly image that it  from its proposed Lake Charles LNG terminal in
                         has sought to cultivate. The one-off surcharge  Louisiana. It brings a final investment decision
                         is on top of the 40% headline tax rate that the  on the terminal a step closer.
                         industry already pays on its profit, as well as
                         its 30% ringfenced corporation tax and 10%  See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         supplementary charge.                Picks for free by email each week here.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   09•June•2022
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