Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 23 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                              NOG has entered into a definitive   April 1, 2022, and NOG expects to close the
                                           agreement to acquire non-operated interests   transaction in August 2022. The obligations
       Perpetual Energy                    in the Williston Basin for an initial purchase   of the parties to complete the transactions
                                           price of $170mn in cash, subject to typical
                                                                                contemplated by the purchase agreement
       announces expanded credit           closing adjustments. The Seller may earn an   are subject to the satisfaction or waiver of
                                                                                customary closing conditions.
                                           additional $5mn in contingent payments
       facility                            in 2023 if WTI oil prices exceed $92.50 on   NORTHERN OIL AND GAS, June 07, 2022
                                           December 30, 2022. NOG expects to fund
       Perpetual Energy announced today that the   the acquisition with cash on hand, operating
       semi-annual borrowing base redetermination   free cash flow and borrowings under NOG’s   MIDSTREAM
       of the company’s first lien credit facility   revolving credit facility.
       has been completed and the previous   At closing, production on the assets is   Matador Resources
       CAD17.0mn borrowing limit has been   expected to be greater than 2,300 Boe per
       increased to CAD30.0mn with an initial term   day (2-stream, ~85% oil) and NOG expects   announces strategic
       to May 31, 2023 and which may be extended   average production of approximately 2,500
       for a further twelve months to May 31, 2024   Boe per day over the next twelve months post-  acquisition of midstream
       subject to lender approval. If not extended   closing (2-stream, ~83% oil). NOG expects
       by May 31, 2023, all outstanding advances   approximately $15mn of capital expenditures   assets in Eddy and Lea
       would be repayable on May 31, 2024. The next   to be incurred post-closing in 2022. These
       semi-annual borrow base redetermination is   high-quality properties have operating costs   Counties, New Mexico
       scheduled on or before November 30, 2022.  lower than NOG’s corporate average on its
       PERPETUAL ENERGY, June 08, 2022     Williston Basin properties.          Matador Resources today announced that
                                             The acquired assets are primarily located   one of its wholly-owned subsidiaries has
       NOG announces Williston             in Dunn, McKenzie and Williams Counties,   entered into a definitive agreement with
                                                                                a wholly-owned subsidiary of Summit
                                           ND and include approximately 3,500 acres,
       Basin bolt-on acquisition,          9.2 net producing wells, 2.6 net wells-in-  Midstream Partners to acquire Summit’s Lane
                                           process and 14.9 net engineered economic
                                                                                Gathering and Processing System (the Lane
       increased 2022 activity,            undeveloped locations. NOG expects 0.8   G&P system) in Eddy and Lea Counties, New
                                                                                Mexico for $75mn, subject to customary
                                           net wells to be turned-in-line in 2022 post-
       shareholder return update           closing. The assets are operated primarily by   transaction adjustments. In connection with
                                                                                the transaction, the company will assume
                                           Marathon Oil, Continental Resources and
       Northern Oil and Gas today announced that   ConocoPhillips, and NOG owns existing   certain takeaway capacity on the Double
       it has entered into an acquisition agreement in   interests in approximately 50% of the acquired   E pipeline, a FERC-regulated natural gas
       the Williston Basin and provided additional   property value.            pipeline operated by Summit. The acquisition
       updates on operations and guidance.   The effective date for the transaction is   is subject to customary closing conditions and
                                                                                is expected to close in the second quarter of
                                                                                  Joseph Wm. Foran, Matador’s founder,
                                                                                chairman and chief executive officer, said:
                                                                                “We are excited to announce this strategic
                                                                                acquisition of the Lane G&P System, which
                                                                                includes a 60mn cubic feet per day cryogenic
                                                                                natural gas processing plant, three compressor
                                                                                stations and approximately 45 miles of natural
                                                                                gas gathering pipelines. This acquisition is a
                                                                                further extension of our strategy to control
                                                                                our midstream operations and to use our
                                                                                midstream assets to further enhance and assist
                                                                                our operations. To accomplish this, we expect
                                                                                to expand the Lane G&P System to support
                                                                                our environmental, safety, exploration and
                                                                                production efforts in northern Eddy and Lea
                                                                                Counties, New Mexico. We are also pleased to
                                                                                acquire additional takeaway capacity from the
                                                                                Delaware Basin to ensure our and our third-
                                                                                party customers’ natural gas is transported
                                                                                to market. We thank both the Summit
                                                                                and Matador teams for their diligence in
                                                                                negotiating this transaction and look forward
                                                                                to closing later this month.”
                                                                                MATADOR RESOURCES, June 09, 2022

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   09•June•2022
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