Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 23 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Energy Transfer finalises

       another offtake agreement

        US-CHINA         US-BASED Energy Transfer has signed an LNG  president, Tom Mason.
                         sales and purchase agreement (SPA) with China   The latest announcement comes amid rising
                         Gas Hongda Energy Trading, a subsidiary of  demand for LNG and increased global com-
                         China Gas Holdings.                  petition for supplies in the wake of the war in
                           The deal is the fifth to be signed by Energy  Ukraine, which has led to European countries
                         Transfer since March for supply of LNG from its  seeking out alternatives to Russian gas. Against
                         proposed Lake Charles LNG terminal in Louisi-  this backdrop, Asian buyers – who were likely
                         ana. It brings a final investment decision (FID)  already in negotiations when the war broke out
       The Lake Charles LNG   on the terminal a step closer.  – have wasted no time in signing new long-term
       export facility will   Under the newly announced deal, China  offtake agreements.
       involve the conversion   Gas will buy 700,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of   Indeed, with the exception of commod-
       of an existing import   LNG from Energy Transfer subsidiary Energy  ity trader Gunvor, all of the buyers Energy
       terminal.         Transfer LNG Export on a free-on-board (FOB)  Transfer has lined up so far have been Asian
                         basis for a period of 25 years. The purchase price  companies.
                         will be indexed to the US’ Henry Hub bench-  Lake Charles LNG is a brownfield project
                         mark plus a fixed liquefaction fee. Deliveries are  that involves conversion of an existing import
                         expected to begin in 2026.           facility to exports. The export plant would have
                           “This SPA brings our total amount of LNG  a liquefaction capacity of 16.5mn tpy, so there is
                         contracted from our Lake Charles LNG export  still some way to go in terms of signing up offtak-
                         facility to nearly 6.0mn tpy and is an impor-  ers. Nonetheless, the past few months come as a
                         tant step towards our goal of reaching FID later  major boost for the project, which was previously
                         this year,” commented Energy Transfer LNG’s  seen as less likely to reach FID anytime soon.™

       Chesapeake seeks adviser

       to help expand into LNG

        US               SHALE gas producer Chesapeake Energy is   Last month, in the company’s earnings call,
                         seeking to expand into the LNG market and is  Dell’Osso also revealed that Chesapeake would
                         planning to hire an LNG adviser to help advance  seek to capitalise on its increased Haynesville
                         this expansion.                      shale position near the US Gulf Coast by sign-
                           According to a LinkedIn job posting, the firm  ing more deals for LNG exports priced at global
                         is looking to hire someone to “lead new business  indexes.
                         opportunities for Chesapeake” in LNG and pro-  Additionally, he indicated in the call that the
       Chesapeake has    vide executives with “guidance on LNG market-  company could move to acquire a stake in an
       expanded its operations   ing activities”.             LNG terminal in the future, with Chesapeake
       in the Haynesville   In March, Chesapeake’s CEO, Nick Dell’Osso,  already looking for direct contracts with overseas
       shale.            confirmed at a conference that the firm was aim-  consumers in an effort to secure higher prices.
                         ing to take on a greater role in the LNG market.   “If the deal is linked to Henry Hub [in the
                           Chesapeake also recently took part in a gath-  US], that is not as attractive to us,” Chesapeake’s
                         ering organised by trade groups the American  executive vice president and chief financial
                         Exploration and Production Council (AXPC)  officer, Mohit Singh, told S&P Global last month.
                         and LNG Allies with European countries seek-  “What we are trying to diversify into is some sort
                         ing to reduce their reliance on Russian gas fol-  of LNG index deal”, for example at the Dutch
                         lowing Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.   Title Transfer Facility (TTF).
                           US shale gas producers including Chesapeake   Chesapeake expects high demand for its gas
                         have been vocal about the need for pipeline  production from the Haynesville play since it is
                         improvements and new LNG export capacity to  certified as having lower emissions, potentially
                         ship gas to Europe in order for EU countries to  making it more attractive to buyers looking for
                         wean themselves off Russian gas.     cleaner natural gas.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   09•June•2022
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