Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 23 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The US is releasing
                                                                                                  180mn barrels from the
                                                                                                  SPR in total.

                         WCS discount to widen. These include higher  around 4.3mn bpd to the US. Further supply
                         natural gas prices, which increase the cost of  with limited outlets for it could cause bottle-
                         refining heavy crude, and elevated demand for  necks to re-emerge that may not ease until the
                         lighter products such as gasoline.   Trans Mountain pipeline expansion to Can-
                           As a result of these factors, the discount on  ada’s West Coast comes online. That project is
                         July WCS for delivery at the Hardisty oil hub  delayed, though, and earlier this year its revised
                         reached more than $20 per barrel below WTI  start date was pushed back again, from October
                         last week, representing the widest differential  2022 to July 2023. While the pipeline is moving
                         since early 2020.                    towards completion, further delays cannot be
                                                              ruled out.
                         What next?                            “However, a massive blowout in differentials,
                         WTI continues to trade at around $120 per bar-  like we saw in 2018, is unlikely since produc-
                         rel, so even with a discount, WCS producers are  ers are likely to be prepared for such a scenario
                         benefiting from higher prices than they have  and quickly ramp up crude-by-rail volumes in
                         seen in some time. But competition in the mar-  anticipation of such an event,” an RBN Energy
                         ket is also intensifying.            analyst, Robert Auers, was quoted by Reuters as   Once the Trans
                           CBC News noted this week that during the  saying this week.
                         early waves of the coronavirus (COVID-19)   Use of crude-by-rail was also recently touted   Mountain
                         pandemic, production of many other heavy  by Alberta Premier Jason Kenney as one way   expansion comes
                         blends had slowed, helping to ensure buyers  Canada can boost oil production in an effort
                         for WCS. Now, though, heavy output elsewhere  to help replace Russian crude volumes that are   online, Canadian
                         is bouncing back as producers seek to benefit  being shunned on international markets owing
                         from high prices. And buyers are able to be more  to the war in Ukraine. However, given that the   heavy crude
                         selective about which grades of crude to buy and  US is by far Canada’s largest market, this may
                         what to pay for it.                  not currently be necessary. Canadian oil can   producers will
                           With the SPR continuing to release crude  be re-exported from the Gulf Coast – and it   also gain access
                         onto the market, the glut of heavy crude on  has been, at record levels – but the main region
                         the Gulf Coast appears set to continue. If  seeking to replace Russian crude is Europe,   to Asian markets.
                         Canadian producers want to keep exporting  which will find it easier to source supply from
                         crude to the region, they will likely have to  elsewhere.
                         offer even larger discounts than those being   Once  the  Trans  Mountain  expansion
                         seen currently.                      comes online, Canadian heavy crude pro-
                           Complicating this further are projections  ducers will also gain access to Asian markets.
                         from the US Energy Information Administra-  For now, though, they will continue to com-
                         tion (EIA) that Canadian crude production  pete in the crowded Gulf Coast market, with
                         will rise by 200,000 bpd by the end of the year.  a further risk of additional discounts materi-
                         EIA data show that Canada currently exports  alising for WCS.™

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