Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 23 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Devon to acquire RimRock’s

       Williston assets for $865mn

        WILLISTON        DEVON Energy has announced this week that it   The transaction also adds more than 100
        BASIN            has agreed to acquire RimRock Oil and Gas’ Wil-  undrilled inventory locations that Devon
                         liston Basin assets in North Dakota for $865mn  described as “highly economic”, adding that
                         in cash.                             this positions the company’s Williston assets to
                           RimRock is a portfolio company of private  maintain high-margin production and strong
                         equity firm Warburg Pincus. The company owns  cash flow for several years.
                         over 38,000 net acres (154 square km) in the   The transaction is due to close in the third
                         Williston Basin, which is its main area of focus.  quarter of the year, with Devon anticipating
                         RimRock acquired the majority of its Williston  $100mn of capital expenditures to be incurred
                         acreage via a $500mn purchase from Whiting  post-closing in 2022.
                         Petroleum in 2017. It has a roughly 88% work-  “This bolt-on acquisition is highly comple-
                         ing interest in its Williston assets, which include  mentary to our existing position in the Williston
                         around 200 wells, primarily within the Fort Bert-  Basin and is immediately accretive to our finan-
                         hold Indian Reservation in North Dakota’s Dunn  cially driven strategy,” stated Devon’s president
                         County.                              and CEO, Rick Muncrief. “RimRock’s directly
                           The assets directly offset and overlap Devon’s  adjacent acreage offers strong operational syn-
                         position in the basin, and thus are expected to  ergies, adds to our high-quality inventory in
                         help it build scale as well as boosting its overall  the core of the play and positions us to further
                         Williston asset quality. Devon said RimRock’s  increase the return of cash to shareholders.”
                         assets produced roughly 15,000 barrels of oil   Devon said its board intends to approve a 13%
                         equivalent per day (boepd) in the first quarter of  increase to the fixed quarterly dividend following
                         2022, comprised of 78% oil. This is expected to  the closing of the transaction. It attributed this
                         increase to an average of 20,000 boepd over the  to the accretive nature of this transaction to free
                         next year.                           cash flow.™

       Callon raises capex amid high

       oil prices, rising costs

        TEXAS            HOUSTON-HEADQUARTERED  Callon  service providers and raw materials.
                         Petroleum has joined a number of exploration   Callon also revealed that it had taken actions
                         and production companies in raising its capital  to secure reliable access to top-tier service and
                         expenditure budget. The company announced  consumables providers for the remainder of
                         an updated operational capex budget range of  2022 and was extending contracts into 2023.
                         $790-810mn in 2022, marking an increase from  The company is currently running seven rigs but
                         $725mn previously.                   expects to drop one before the end of the month.
                           Inflationary service cost pressures were cited   “As we have worked with our oilfield services
                         as being behind the revised guidance. Average  partners over the last few months to amend and
                         price increases of about 20% have been reported  extend several key agreements, visibility into our
                         for key drilling and completion items compared  capital cost structure for the remainder of 2022
                         to 2021 levels.                      has dramatically improved,” Callon’s president
                           At the same time, Callon increased its projec-  and CEO, Joe Gatto, stated.
                         tions for adjusted free cash flow to over $900mn   “While service costs have increased as the
                         in 2022, resulting from higher commodity prices  industry faces significant inflationary pressures,
                         according to its second-quarter report. The fig-  we remain committed to a disciplined spending
                         ure is higher than Wall Street had projected, with  programme with an expected capital reinvest-
                         analysts previously forecasting $853mn.  ment rate that is now tracking at less than 50%,”
                           This comes as a sector-wide trend emerges,  Gatto added.
                         with Morgan Stanley analysts saying around   Callon merged with Carrizo Oil & Gas in
                         30% of the exploration and production com-  2019 and operates in around 180,000 net acres
                         panies they cover have raised their capex  (728 square km) spread across the Permian
                         budgets owing to inflationary pressures from  Basin and Eagle Ford shale in Texas.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   09•June•2022
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