Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 23 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Desert Peak, Falcon merge to form Sitio

        US               DENVER-HEADQUARTERED Desert Peak  stock on June 3 and formally rebranded as Sitio
                         Minerals announced this week that it had suc-  Royalties. The firm’s Class A common stock
                         cessfully merged with New York-based Falcon  and warrants will initially continue trading on
                         Minerals to form Sitio Royalties. The deal aims  the Nasdaq under the ticker symbols ‘STR’ and
                         to create a shareholder returns-driven mineral  ‘STRDW’.
                         and royalty consolidation company and gives   Upon closing the merger, Sitio entered into
                         the firm a $1.9bn valuation.         a new credit facility with a $300mn borrowing
                           Combined, Sitio will own over 140,000 net  base.
                         royalty acres (567 square km), normalised to a   Sitio will be managed by the legacy Desert
                         1/8th royalty equivalent. Over 105,000 of the net  Peak management team headed by CEO Chris-
                         royalty acres (425 square km) are located in the  topher Conoscenti, while Noam Lockshin, a
                         Permian Basin in West Texas and south-east-  partner at Sitio’s largest equity holder Kim-
                         ern New Mexico. The company will also have a  meridge, will serve as chairman of the board
                         significant footprint in the Eagle Ford shale in  of directors. The firm will be headquartered in
                         Texas.                               Denver.
                           Sitio is projected to produce about 13,500-  “Sitio is guided by its commitments to best-
                         14,500 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd)  in-class leadership and governance standards,
                         in the first half of 2022 on a combined basis.  capital discipline and a thoughtful approach to
                         Crude is expected to account for 50-53% of this,  value-maximising M&A,” stated Conoscenti.
                         with three-quarters anticipated to come from  “Sitio’s distinguished profile as a leading con-
                         the Permian Basin. Altogether, the company will  solidator in the minerals and royalties space will
                         own more than 10,750 wells.          only continue to strengthen over time with the
                           Prior to the finalisation of the merger, Falcon  execution of our proven strategy, focusing on
                         effected a four-to-one reverse stock split of its  large-scale accretive acquisitions across diversi-
                         Class A common stock and Class C common  fied operators.”™

       US reportedly loosening Venezuelan sanctions

       further by allowing Eni, Repsol to export oil

        US-VENEZUELA     THE US government appears to be moving for-  source said, however, that the volumes deliv-
                         ward with steps to loosen sanctions on Venezue-  ered to Europe were not likely to be significant
                         la’s oil and gas sector, according to information  enough to have any noticeable effect on world
                         from a Reuters report.               crude markets.
                           The restrictions that Washington has   Both Eni and Repsol did not respond to
                         imposed on Caracas penalise many forms of  Reuters’ requests for comment. But Venezue-
                         collaboration with Venezuela’s national oil  lan President Nicolas Maduro sought to con-
                         company (NOC) PdVSA, including trade in  firm reports of a resumption in oil shipments to
                         Venezuelan crude oil or petroleum products or  Europe. He did not do so directly, though he did
                         involvement in transactions that support such  say in a televised address on June 4 that Washing-
                         trade. As such, most European companies have  ton had given Eni and Repsol, as well as the US
                         exited Venezuela since 2019, when US author-  major Chevron, permission to resume upstream
                         ities began tightening the sanctions regime to  activities in Venezuela.
                         target the oil and gas sector.         “Steps are being taken, the first steps,” he said.
                           The only two exceptions have been Spain’s  “About a week ago, the United States took small
                         Repsol and Italy’s Eni, which have maintained a  but significant steps by granting licences to the
                         presence in the South American country. How-  US company Chevron, the Italian company Eni
                         ever, the two companies were forced to halt oil-  and Repsol.”
                         for-debt swap deals with PdVSA in 2020.  Maduro’s statements were not strictly
                           Now, though, these two companies are  accurate. US authorities recently extended a
                         reportedly on track to resume shipments of  waiver that allows Chevron, along with four
                         Venezuelan crude in the near future. Deliveries  US-based oilfield service providers (OSPs), to
                         may begin as early as next month, five sources  maintain token presences in Venezuela, but
                         familiar with the matter told Reuters.  the waiver does not permit any of the compa-
                           The sources did not provide any specific  nies to engage in upstream activities or sup-
                         details as to the amount of oil involved. One  porting operations.™

       Week 23   09•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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