Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 23 2022
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                rigs in the US are stationed in the Permian
                                                                                Basin drilling thousands of oil and gas wells
                                                                                annually to provide for the US energy needs.
                                                                                NEXTMART, June 09, 2022

                                                                                ENERGY TRANSITION
                                                                                LongPath testifies on

                                                                                methane monitoring to

                                           acquisition of New Mexico  House Science Committee
       Cheniere and Equinor sign  water rights                                  LongPath Technologies co-founder and CTO
                                                                                Greg Rieker testified today before a House
       long-term LNG sale and              NextMart – NXMR would like to announce   Science Committee hearing focused on efforts
                                                                                to monitor methane emissions from the oil
                                           that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Emco
       purchase agreement                  Oilfield Services, has launched an acquisition   and gas sector.
                                           programme of New Mexico water rights
                                                                                  “You can’t improve what you don’t
       Cheniere Energy announced today that its   to expand its water capacity for own water   measure,” said Rieker, offering the committee
       subsidiary, Cheniere Marketing, has entered   stations in the Permian Basin.  a key and unique perspective as LongPath is
       into a liquefied natural gas (LNG) sale and   The Permian Basin is the largest oilfield   the only independent blind-tested and proven
       purchase agreement (SPA) with Equinor.  in the world. EMCO is currently servicing   true-continuous leak monitoring platform.
         Under the SPA, Equinor has agreed to   over sixty (60) clients including major oil   “The action of emissions mitigation
       purchase approximately 1.75mn tonnes per   companies such as Exxon Mobile’s subsidiary,   happens at the local level,” said Reiker, “so
       annum (“mtpa”) of LNG from Cheniere   XTO, Chevron, Conoco Phillips, Occidental   continuous, specific-facility monitoring with
       Marketing on a free-on-board basis for a   (OXY), and major independent public oil   instantaneous feedback directly to the oil and
       term of approximately 15 years. The deliveries   companies such as EOG, Devon, Cimarex,   gas companies is critical.”
       under the SPA will start in the second half   Noble Energy and many more. The acquisition   LongPath provides multiple per day
       of 2026 and reach the full 1.75 mtpa in the   of more New Mexico water rights is in direct   full-site-coverage (facility-wide) emissions
       second half of 2027. Half of the volume, or   response to the current fast-growing needs   measurements to operators, catching large
       approximately 0.9 mtpa, is subject to Cheniere   of its current clients, and new clients that are   leaks in real-time. LongPath’s large-scale
       making a positive final investment decision   coming on board, due to the increased oil and   networks of laser sensors (akin to a methane
       (“FID”) to construct additional liquefaction   gas activity in the Permian Basin.  radar) provide scalable and accurate data for
       capacity at the Corpus Christi LNG terminal   William Bouyea (CEO of the company),   rapid emissions mitigation and ESG/RSG
       beyond the seven-train Corpus Christi Stage   states: “The historically fast increase in the   accounting.
       III project.                        price of oil and gas has spurred oil and gas   Rieker highlighted three key points for
         “Equinor is one of Europe’s premier energy   drilling and production in the Permian Basin.   the committee: First, the savings realised
       companies, and we are excited to form a   With oil is at its highest price per barrel in   when operators opt for continuous emissions
       long-term relationship with another strategic   well over a decade domestically, increased   monitoring systems like LongPath’s more than
       customer that shares our ambitions for a   production is a natural occurrence. EMCO   pay for themselves in improved operational
       sustainable future,” said Jack Fusco, Cheniere’s   is just trying to be proactive and work in   efficiency and rapid repair of leaks. Second,
       president and chief executive officer. “This   the best interests of our client base who   new policies and legislation (e.g. EPA’s
       SPA further reinforces Cheniere’s leadership   will use more water as they attempt to grow   proposed methane rule and the SEC’s
       in providing the flexible, reliable and cleaner   their production levels by drilling more   proposed climate-related disclosures rule)
       burning long-term LNG supply sought by our   wells in these unprecedented times in the   must recognise that evolving technologies
       customers across the globe focused on energy   energy market. It goes without saying that   provide more and better information than
       security and environmental priorities. The   the amount of water used by our clients will   older leak survey methods and calculation-
       SPA also reflects the urgency in demand for   increase almost 100% in correlation to any   based inventory values. And, Third, the cost
       investment in additional LNG capacity, not   increase in oil and gas drilling as well as actual   of new methane technologies are well within
       only for the Corpus Christi Stage III Project,   production.”            reach, not only for operator adoption but
       which is nearing FID, but also for capacity   Water stations provide a vital source of   for public good and public infrastructure
       beyond the project’s initial seven trains.”  water needed to drill oil and gas wells. Emco   considerations.
       CHENIERE ENERGY, June 09, 2022      will continue to transport water to and from   “LongPath can cover the Permian, one of
                                           oil and gas well drill sites in the Permian   the US’ largest oil and gas basins, for less than
                                           Basin, which has generated an estimated   the cost of the last James Bond Movie … or, in
       SERVICES                            $40mn in revenues for Emco since 2018.   infrastructure terms, for less than the cost of
                                           Going forward, with its own water stations,   20 miles of interstate highway,” said Reiker.
       NextMart – Planned                  Emco can generate an additional revenue   LONGPATH TECHNOLOGIES, June 08, 2022
                                           stream that can be significant for its aggressive
                                           growth plans. Approximately half the drilling

       Week 23   09•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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