Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 15

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       CME Group to launch micro  Matador Resources                             and continuing our strong safety record.
                                                                                MATADOR RESOURCES, May 17, 2021
       WTI futures on July 12              publishes inaugural SASB-

       CME Group, the world’s leading and most   aligned ESG metrics            Greenlane renewables
       diverse derivatives marketplace, today                                   signs CAD9.8mn landfill
       announced it will expand its suite of micro-  Matador Resources today published metrics
       sized futures contracts with the introduction   aligned with standards developed by the   gas-to-RNG contract
       of Micro WTI futures. The contracts are   Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
       expected to launch on July 12, pending   (SASB). Matador is committed to creating   Greenlane Renewables is pleased to announce
       regulatory review.                  long-term value in a responsible manner and   that its wholly owned subsidiary, Greenlane
         Micro WTI futures will be one-tenth the   aligning its ongoing environmental, social   Biogas North America, has signed a contract
       size of the company’s global benchmark WTI   and governance (“ESG”) reporting with SASB.   valued at approximately CAD9.8mn
       Crude Oil futures contract and cash-settled.   The publication of these metrics represents   ($8.1mn) for supply of equipment for a new
       They will enable market participants – from   the next step in Matador’s continued efforts to   renewable natural gas (RNG) project in the
       institutions to sophisticated, active, individual   highlight its commitment to ESG excellence.   Midwest United States. This project will
       traders – to fine-tune exposure to crude oil   Matador’s SASB metrics are available on the   utilize Greenlane’s pressure swing adsorption
       markets and enhance their trading strategies   Company’s website at www.matadorresources.  (PSA) biogas upgrading system. Engineering
       in an efficient, cost-effective way.  com/sustainability, and Matador expects to   work will begin immediately with a notice
         “As US crude continues to gain global   disclose additional metrics as they become   to proceed from the customer on equipment
       significance, we are seeing increasing demand   available later in the year.  supply expected in the third quarter of 2021.
       for tools that help a broader range of clients   Joseph Wm. Foran, Matador’s Chairman   The contract is for a large landfill gas-
       access these markets,” said Peter Keavey,   and CEO, commented, “At Matador, good   to-RNG project. Greenlane will supply its
       global head of energy products at CME   stewardship has always been a guiding   two-stage PSA system to upgrade the landfill
       Group.                              focus. Over the years, we have consistently   gas to pipeline-specification RNG for direct
         “WTI futures have always been a top   highlighted our ESG achievements and now   injection into the local natural gas grid.
       product for active traders around the world,   are pleased to align these disclosures with   “This is an important contract win for
       and the smaller size of Micro WTI futures will   an emerging industry standard. We hope   Greenlane, highlighting our expertise,
       offer more flexibility and greater precision   this change helps to raise the profile of our   experience and proven track record in
       to market users – all while enabling them to   ongoing ESG efforts and provide interested   landfill gas-to-RNG projects,” said Brad
       benefit from the transparency and liquidity of   parties a standardised version of Matador’s   Douville, President & CEO of Greenlane.
       the world’s most robust crude oil contract.”  ESG efforts. We look forward to continuing to   “Our sales backlog continues to expand as we
       CME GROUP, May 17, 2021             explore ways to provide our stakeholders with   successfully convert sales opportunities into
                                           clear, comparable ESG information.”  revenue-generating projects and is indicative
                                              In 2020, Matador grew gross operated oil   of the health and strong growth trajectory of
       ENERGY TRANSITION                   production by 13% and gross operated natural   the RNG industry.”
                                           gas production by 19%, as compared to 2019,   GREENLANE RENEWABLES, May 18, 2021
                                           while still reducing our environmental impact

       Week 20   20•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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