Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       Woodside to exit Kitimat LNG

        BRITISH          AUSTRALIA’S Woodside Energy announced  new source of LNG to supply Asian markets in
        COLUMBIA         this week that it would exit its 50% non-operated  the latter part of this decade. However, we have
                         interest in the proposed Kitimat LNG project on  decided to prioritise the allocation of capital
                         Canada’s West Coast.                 to opportunities that will deliver nearer-term
                           The company will either sell or wind up and  shareholder value.”
                         restore the assets, leases and agreements cover-  Woodside said the opportunities O’Neill
                         ing both the LNG terminal’s site in Bish Cove,  was referring to were located in Australia and
                         British Columbia, and the 480-km Pacific Trail  Senegal.
                         pipeline route.                        The company expects its 2021 net profit after
                           This comes roughly two months after oper-  tax to take a hit of roughly $40-60mn as a result
                         ator Chevron said it was ceasing all funding  of costs associated with its exit from Kitimat.
                         for feasibility work on Kitimat LNG. Chevron  However, O’Neill said Woodside would retain
                         had also been trying to sell its 50% stake in the  an upstream position in BC’s Liard Basin, which
                         project, but no buyer has emerged. Indeed,  would provide it with a low-cost option to inves-
                         Woodside had previously tried to sell down its  tigate potential future natural gas, ammonia and
                         Kitimat stake, with no success, but had said in  hydrogen opportunities in the province.
                         March that it had not yet given up on moving the   Woodside’s decision represents a blow to
                         project forward.                     Canada’s LNG ambitions, even as construction
                           “Following Chevron’s decision to exit KLNG  continues on nearby LNG Canada. Meanwhile,
                         and subsequent decision in March 2021 to cease  two smaller projects are also inching forward.
                         funding further feasibility work, Woodside  Earlier this month, Woodfibre LNG said it had it
                         undertook a comprehensive review of our  signed a second agreement to sell LNG from its
                         options for the project and our wider develop-  proposed 2.1mn tonne per year (tpy) plant to BP.
                         ment portfolio,” said Woodside’s acting CEO,  And Pieridae Energy is targeting a final invest-
                         Meg O’Neill, in a May 18 statement. “The Kit-  ment decision (FID) on its 10mn tpy Goldboro
                         imat LNG proposal was designed to develop a  LNG facility in Nova Scotia by the end of June.™

       HEP to expand Port Arthur terminal to

       support renewable diesel project

        TEXAS            HOWARD Energy Partners (HEP) announced  provide this service, it will build 575,000 barrels
                         last week that it would “significantly” expand  of tank storage, three pipelines and associated
                         its Port Arthur terminal facilities in Texas. The  connections to Valero’s Port Arthur refinery. It
                         expansion will be aimed at supporting a renewa-  will also build 7 miles (11 km) of railway track
                         ble diesel production project being developed by  and associated rail loading and unloading facil-
                         Diamond Green Diesel (DGD), a 50:50 joint ven-  ities, truck unloading facilities, and a deepwater
                         ture between refiner Valero Energy and organic  dock capable of handling Panamax-class vessels.
                         ingredient producer Darling Ingredients.  The new facilities are being designed to han-
                           DGD’s renewable diesel facility will be  dle multiple products and have additional capac-
                         located at Valero’s Port Arthur refinery and will  ity for third-party shippers, HEP said. Once the
                         have the capacity to produce 470mn US gallons  expansion is in service, HEP said its Port Arthur
                         (1.8bn litres) per year. The plant is targeted for  facility would consist of 1.9mn barrels of refined
                         start-up in the second half of 2023, and HEP is  product storage capacity, 16 miles (26 km) of
                         aiming to have the in-service date for its Port  railway track with unit train and manifest service
                         Arthur expansion coincide with this.  from two railway operators, three barge docks,
                           HEP said in a May 13 statement that it had  two ship docks and pipeline connectivity to local
                         executed long-term agreements with DGD, and  refiners and refined product distribution hubs.
                         that engineering, permitting and construction   This will mark an increase from the current
                         on its Port Arthur expansion had now begun.  1.3mn barrels of storage at the facility.
                           The company has agreed to provide DGD   The project illustrates how Gulf Coast exports
                         with logistics services for renewable diesel  continue to grow, while at the same time a shift
                         feedstock and the finished product. In order to  towards greener forms of energy is underway.™

       Week 20   20•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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