Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Debate over LNG bunkering heats up

       The debate over the future of LNG as a marine fuel has intensified after the World Bank

       dismissed its potential to help decarbonise shipping

        GLOBAL           THE debate over the potential for LNG to play  that is widely available to the shipping industry.
                         a role in the decarbonisation of shipping has   There are challenges related to the use of LNG
       WHAT:             intensified following the publication of a series  for bunkering too, though. These include the
       The debate over using   of World Bank reports last month. In the reports,  fact that while the infrastructure for liquefaction
       LNG as a bunkering fuel   the World Bank identified “green fuels” such  and regasification has grown rapidly, LNG bun-
       has intensified following   as hydrogen and ammonia as being the most  kering infrastructure is more limited to date,
       the publication of World   promising zero-carbon bunker fuels available  which restricts where LNG-fuelled vessels can
       Bank reports on the   currently. However, it said LNG was likely to  operate. And converting ships to run on LNG
       decarbonisation of   play a “limited” role in the decarbonisation of  comes at a cost.
       shipping.         shipping, and indeed recommended avoiding   Additionally, some voices – particularly those
                         the super-chilled fuel in order to put shipping on  advocating abandoning fossil fuels altogether –
       WHY:              a trajectory that aligns with the Paris Agreement  have questioned the green credentials of LNG.
       The World Bank has   on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  Indeed, the World Bank is not the first organisa-
       recommended avoiding   The findings have been met with criticism  tion to dismiss its potential as a marine fuel in a
       LNG as the shipping   from SEA-LNG, an industry group, with com-  decarbonising world – just the most recent and,
       industry makes efforts to   panies including super-major Royal Dutch Shell  potentially, the most influential one.
       decarbonise.      and bunkering player Titan LNG also defend-
                         ing LNG bunkering and its environmental  Limited role
       WHAT NEXT:        credentials.                         The World Bank’s reports were published with
       Industry players are   Indeed, Titan subsequently launched a  IMO targets for decarbonising the shipping
       criticising the reports’   development tender for a planned new LNG  industry in mind. Under these targets GHG
       conclusions, and the   bunkering barge, illustrating that at least in the  emissions from shipping are to be reduced to at
       marine LNG fleet is set to   shorter term, the marine LNG fleet is set to keep  least 50% below 2008 levels by 2050, and to be
       expand regardless.  growing.                           fully phased out within this century.
                           In the longer term, there are uncertainties,   The World Bank acknowledged that with
                         however, as some countries may yet choose to  the use of LNG, air quality improvements are
                         follow the World Bank’s recommendations and  “undeniable” compared with oil-derived bunker
                         avoid policy that favours LNG bunkering. That  fuels such as heavy fuel oil (HFO).
                         said, costs concerns will need to be balanced   “LNG clearly emits significantly lower quan-
                         with decarbonisation goals, and turning to  tities of sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides
                         emerging green fuels at the expense of LNG is  (NOx) and particulate matter (PM),” the World
                         an expensive proposition.            Bank said, adding that the super-chilled fuel  The World Bank’s
                                                              also emits lower levels of carbon dioxide (CO2).
                         Post-IMO 2020 world                   However, it continued, lower CO2 emissions   reports were
                         The development of LNG as a marine fuel has  did not mean that overall lifecycle GHG emis-  published with
                         been underway for some time. Indeed, accord-  sions from LNG would be lower compared with
                         ing to Titan CEO Niels den Nijs and marine  oil-derived bunker fuels. It noted, in particular,   IMO targets for
                         commercial director Michael Schaap, in a state-  the fact that methane was itself a highly potent
                         ment published in response to the World Bank’s  GHG – more so than CO2 – and asserted that  decarbonising the
                         findings, it has taken around a decade for LNG  methane leakage, or methane slip, can “dimin-
                         bunkering to mature.                 ish or even entirely offset the theoretical GHG   shipping industry
                           However, the use of LNG as a marine fuel has  benefit of the use of LNG”.   in mind.
                         been gaining traction only recently, particularly   The World Bank went on to assess two sce-
                         since the International Maritime Organization  narios – one in which LNG plays a transitional
                         (IMO) introduced its 2020 rules, limiting sul-  role and one in which it plays a temporary role.
                         phur content in bunker fuels to 0.5% from 3.5%  In a transitional scenario, infrastructure for
                         previously.                          LNG bunkering could subsequently be repur-
                           The introduction of IMO 2020 coincided with  posed for greener fuels in the future, while in
                         a boom in global LNG production as new lique-  the temporary scenario, LNG infrastructure is
                         faction terminals and supporting infrastructure  abandoned altogether once a switch is made to
                         opened up across various countries. Suppliers of  zero-carbon bunker fuels.
                         the fuel were keen to tout its environmental ben-  The viability of both scenarios was dismissed
                         efits, asserting that it is the cleanest-burning fuel  by the World Bank, which instead said it sees a

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