Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Titan LNG is moving
                                                                                                  forward with plans
                                                                                                  to add a new LNG
                                                                                                  bunkering barge to its

                         limited role for LNG as a marine fuel. It con-  investments not be made in the LNG sector is
                         cluded that not only are the GHG mitigation  unwise, and will prolong the use of higher-emis-
                         benefits of LNG uncertain, but there are also  sions fuels and slow down shipping’s decarboni-
                         considerable risks if countries and businesses  sation,” the group added.
                         invest in LNG infrastructure to meet the IMO’s   Individual companies added their voices to
                         climate targets. It said these risks included  the debate. Shell’s global head of shipping and
                         unnecessary capital expenditures, stranded  maritime, Grahaeme Henderson, told the Sin-
                         assets and technology lock-in.       gapore Maritime Technology Conference that
                           As a result, the organisation recommended  LNG is the lowest-emission fuel available at
                         that countries avoid new public policy that  scale in the shipping industry currently. He went
                         supports LNG as a bunker fuel and reconsider  on to say Shell believed that LNG must be part
                         existing policy support. Instead, it urged them  of the solution when it comes to decarbonising
                         to keep regulating methane emissions to put  shipping.
                         shipping on a GHG emissions trajectory aligned   Titan’s den Nijs and Schaap, meanwhile, high-
                         with the Paris Agreement.            lighted the challenges and considerable costs
                                                              related to adopting ammonia and hydrogen as
                         Industry pushes back                 bunker fuels.
                         Those involved in the LNG bunkering industry   “There are a whole range of safety, environ-  For now, the
                         were quick to push back against the World Bank’s  mental and technical issues to be addressed
                         conclusions.                         before these, or any other, alternative fuels and   development
                           SEA-LNG criticised the World Bank’s  technologies are ready for use in the marine   of new LNG
                         reports for attempting to “prescribe solutions  environment, let alone that marine fuels will
                         and predict the timing” of future technology  have to compete with other sectors like aviation   bunkering
                         development, saying that this approach would  and road transport,” they stated.
                         ultimately undermine decarbonisation efforts.   Like SEA-LNG, they called on the industry to   infrastructure
                         “SEA-LNG believes strongly that the transition  pursue immediate reductions in carbon emis-
                         to future fuels must not follow this prescrip-  sions rather than waiting for new technologies   shows no sign of
                         tive approach. It is far too early to decide what  to become viable. And Titan’s subsequent push   slowing.
                         the real potential of various alternatives fuels  to add a new bunkering barge to its fleet illus-
                         will be for a highly complex, hard-to-abate,  trates that they intend to lead by example on
                         global industry,” the industry group said in a  this.
                         statement.                            For now, the development of new LNG bun-
                           “By focusing on theoretical, unproven solu-  kering infrastructure shows no sign of slow-
                         tions, the World Bank stifles innovation in  ing. However, the debate continues to heat up,
                         technologies that can also provide answers in  and the possibility of some countries taking
                         the decades ahead,” SEA-LNG continued. It  the World Bank’s recommendations on board
                         went on to urge institutions and policy-makers  makes it more difficult for more LNG bunkering
                         to set standards and targets that drive immedi-  expansions to proceed in the future, cannot be
                         ate GHG emissions reductions. “To suggest that  ruled out.™

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