Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil


                                                                                Gulfport Energy Corporation

                                                                                Successfully Emerges From
                                                                                Chapter 11

                                                                                Gulfport Energy today announced that it
                                                                                has successfully completed its restructuring
                                                                                process and emerged from Chapter 11
                                                                                protection. As contemplated by Gulfport’s
                                                                                plan of reorganisation that was confirmed by
                                                                                the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern
                                                                                District of Texas on April 28, 2021, Gulfport
                                                                                has exited bankruptcy with a new board of
                                                                                directors; a strengthened balance sheet, with
                                                                                $853mn of total debt representing more than
                                                                                $1.2bn of deleveraging through the Chapter
                                                                                11 process; and approximately $135mn of
                                                                                liquidity. At emergence, Gulfport’s net-debt-
                                                                                to-EBITDA is approximately 1.5x.
       7,200 producing wells (over 3,100 operated   today announced a collaboration to bring   GULFPORT ENERGY, May 18, 2021
       producing wells), more than 700,000 net acres   advanced seismic imaging to fibre optic
       (96% held by production), and net production   sensing. The alliance will provide operators   Federal judge affirms
       of ~48,000 boepd (50% liquids). Additionally,   with advanced insight to determine their
       BCE-Mach owns and operates an extensive   reservoir potential for oil and gas production   $24mn cash settlement for
       infrastructure portfolio including two   or carbon storage. The Halliburton FiberVSP™
       fully integrated water transfer and disposal   and Odassea™ distributed acoustic sensing   royalty owners in Talisman
       systems (~700 miles of water pipelines and   solutions will now incorporate TGS’s seismic
       ~45 disposal wells), three gas gathering   imaging workflows that process the entire   Energy USA lawsuit
       and processing systems (~310 MMcf per   seismic wavefield to generate high-resolution
       day processing capacity and ~450 miles of   reservoir images.            A federal judge has approved a class action
       gathering lines), a ~85,000 HP compression   “We are excited to transform vertical   settlement, including $24.4mn in a cash fund
       fleet, and a crude gathering system (108 miles   seismic profiling to a full-field, digital, and   to resolve litigation against Repsol Oil and
       of pipeline and 50,000 barrel storage facility).  intervention-less surveillance solution,” said   Gas USA, formerly Talisman Energy USA,
       BCE-MACH III, May 17, 2021          Trey Clark, vice president of Wireline and   for royalty owners’ claims that the company
                                           Perforating. “Through our collaboration with   improperly allocated production volumes and
                                           TGS, we can now enable real-time monitoring   underpaid owners for wells operated in the
       SERVICES                            of production across an entire field, allowing   Eagle Ford shale basin in South Texas.
                                           our customers to make better decisions and   In addition to the cash fund, Repsol
       Valaris announces jackup            increase ultimate recovery.”         waived any right to recover over $12mn in
                                              “This solution enables enhanced reservoir
                                                                                past overpayments to royalty owners. Judge
       contract award                      understanding for our customers with   Keith P Ellison in the US District Court for
                                                                                the Southern District of Texas, Houston
                                           a lower total cost of ownership relative
       Valaris announced today that it has been   to conventional 4D seismic,” said Jan   Division, approved the class action settlement
       awarded a contract of approximately 45 days   Schoolmeesters, executive vice president of   and entered an order of judgment following
       with W&T Offshore in the US Gulf of Mexico   TGS Operations and New Energy Solutions.   a final fairness hearing May 12. The hearing
       for VALARIS JU-117 (Ralph Coffman), a   “We’ve leveraged the competencies and know-  was the final step in the settlement process
       heavy-duty modern jackup. The contract is   how of both organizations to drive the change   after the judge gave preliminary approval last
       anticipated to begin in July 2021.  our industry needs for proactive reservoir   December to the class action settlement, the
       VALARIS, May 19, 2021               management. For TGS, this collaboration   certification of the class for the settlement and
                                           meets our strategic initiatives to increase   the plan of allocation.
       Halliburton and TGS                 our focus on technology and mature basins,   Bryan Blevins and Michael Hamilton
                                                                                  Provost Umphrey Law Firm attorneys
                                           capture more repeatable business, and offer
       collaborate to advance              customers cost efficient new energy solutions   represented Rayanne Regmund Chesser,
                                           like carbon storage monitoring.”
                                                                                Gloria Janssen, and other plaintiffs in the
       seismic reservoir                   solution for multiple onshore and offshore   lawsuit comprising more than 2,700 royalty
                                              Work is underway to deliver this combined
                                                                                owners in Texas and across the nation.
       monitoring                          reservoir monitoring projects.       PROVOST UMPHREY LAW FIRM, May 14, 2021
                                           HALLIBURTON AND TGS-NOPEC GEOPHYSICAL,
       Halliburton and TGS-NOPEC Geophysical   May 18, 2021

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 20   20•May•2021
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