Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            the Texas-New Mexico Permian area. USGS   June 30, 2021, subject to customary closing
                                           estimates that known recoverable efficiency in   conditions, and two smaller transactions have
       Empire Petroleum                    the Eunice Field and surrounding satellites at   already closed. Oasis has updated its 2021
                                                                                outlook to reflect the divestment.
                                           close to forty% with Primary and Secondary
       announces final closing of          recovery of an estimated 4.5 billion Original   while building scale in the Williston Basin is
                                                                                  “The decision to exit the Permian Basin
                                           Oil barrels in Place “OOIP” making Eunice
       the operated New Mexico             Monument one of the largest fields in the   fundamentally based on aligning company
                                           United States. The well development in the
                                                                                resources with our core competitive strengths
       oil and gas assets from             Eunice Monument South Unit was on 40-  and strategic focus of building a sustainable
                                                                                enterprise which generates significant free
                                           acre spacing. The field was produced under
       ExxonMobil                          primary means until unitization of the field   cash flow for the benefit of the company and
                                                                                shareholders,” said Danny Brown, Oasis’ chief
                                           occurred in February 1985 as a Secondary
       Empire Petroleum announced today that it   Waterflood. The productive intervals at   executive officer. “The successful conclusion
       has acquired producing oil and gas assets   Eunice are mostly the Queen, San Andres and   of our Permian divestiture process allows us
       and related gathering assets located in Lea   Grayburg formations.       to bring substantial value forward from an
       County, New Mexico through its wholly   In connection with financing of the   asset that was difficult to scale, strengthens
       owned subsidiary, Empire New Mexico.   acquisition, Empire New Mexico entered into   our balance sheet from already peer-leading
       The assets were acquired from ExxonMobil   a $16.25mn senior secured convertible note   levels, and allows us to focus our attention on
       Corporation’s XTO Holdings, in a transaction   with Energy Evolution Master Fund at 3.8%   driving significant value from our world-class
       that has been previously reported by Empire   per annum interest.        Williston acreage position, where we see great
       in its filings with the Securities and Exchange   EMPIRE PETROLEUM, May 18, 2021  upside opportunity and long-term running
       Commission.                                                              room. The combined Williston and Permian
         The acquired operated assets are comprised   Oasis Petroleum announces   transactions are highly accretive, position
       of ~700 gross oil, gas, and injector wells                               Oasis to take advantage of expanded scale,
       and encompass approximately ~40,000 net   strategic sale of its Permian   result in very low leverage, and demonstrate
       acres of Permian leasehold. The properties                               our commitment to shareholders. We believe
       are characterized by high working and net   Assets and updates 2021      Oasis represents a compelling investment
       revenue interests, producing approximately                               opportunity, and we will continue to be
       1,100 net BOEPD (Barrels of Oil Equivalent   outlook                     aggressive in pursuing strategies to unlock
       per Day) with sixty-seven% being oil.                                    value.”
         The Eunice Monument (also EMSU)   Oasis Petroleum announced today it has   OASIS PETROLEUM, May 20, 2021
       and Arrowhead Grayburg fields (also AGU)   entered into a series of definitive agreements
       are located on the northwestern edge of   to sell its entire Permian Basin position for   BCE-Mach III to acquire
       the Permian Basin’s Central Basin Platform   total gross potential consideration of $481mn.
       in southeastern Lea County, New Mexico,   The total consideration consists of $406mn   Oklahoma and Texas
       approximately 15 miles southwest of the city   at closing and up to three $25mn annual
       of Hobbs. The EMSU field was discovered   contingent payments in 2023, 2024 and   properties from Cimarex
       on March 21, 1929, with the majority of field   2025 if WTI averages over $60 per barrel in
       development occurring from 1934 through   each respective calendar year. The primary   Energy
       1937 as the 2nd largest carbonate reservoir in   transaction is expected to close around
                                                                                BCE-Mach III recently signed a purchase
                                                                                and sale agreement to acquire producing
                                                                                properties in Western and Southern
                                                                                Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle from
                                                                                Cimarex Energy. The acquisition, expected
                                                                                to close in June 2021, also includes two gas
                                                                                gathering and processing assets located in
                                                                                Southern Oklahoma.
                                                                                  BCE-Mach III was formed in early 2020
                                                                                and in April 2020 acquired the upstream
                                                                                and midstream assets from Alta Mesa
                                                                                Holdings and Kingfisher Midstream, which
                                                                                are primarily located in Kingfisher County,
                                                                                Oklahoma. In total, Bayou City Energy
                                                                                Management (BCE) and Mach Resources
                                                                                (Mach) have made eight separate acquisitions
                                                                                since 2018 across the three BCE-Mach
                                                                                portfolio companies.
                                                                                  BCE-Mach has assembled an expansive
                                                                                upstream portfolio of Anadarko Basin assets
                                                                                across 46 counties in Oklahoma, Kansas and
                                                                                the Texas Panhandle including interest in over

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