Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Japex exits Canadian shale gas project

        BRITISH          JAPAN Petroleum Exploration (Japex) has  to 72%, while Sinopec will hold 15%, Indian Oil
        COLUMBIA         agreed to sell its 10% stake in a Canadian shale  Corp. (IOC) will own 10% and Petroleum Bru-
                         gas project to Malaysia’s state-owned Petronas  nei will have 3%.
                         for an undisclosed figure.             “As a result of this transaction, Japex expects
                           Japex said on May 13 that overseas subsidiary  to record an extraordinary loss of approximately
                         Japex Montney Ltd (JML) had signed a contract  CAD493mn [$408.8mn] in the consolidated
                         to sell its stake in the North Montney joint ven-  financial results for the second quarter of the
                         ture to project operator Petronas Energy Canada  fiscal year ending March 31, 2022,” the Japanese
                         Ltd (PECL), with the deal expected to be final-  developer said.
                         ised by the end of June.               It added that the impact of the sale had
                           The Japanese developer said it had been  already been reflected in its forecast of consol-
                         motivated to exit the project amid emerging  idated business performance for financial year
                         structural challenges in the upstream segment,  2021-2022.
                         brought about by both the coronavirus (COVID-  The North Montney venture had intended to
                         19) pandemic as well as the global shift towards  provide gas for the Pacific North West LNG pro-
                         decarbonisation.                     ject, which was cancelled in 2017 owing to envi-
                           The company noted that it had formulated a  ronmental concerns and low prices. Japex said
                         mid-term business plan in 2018 that focused on  the export project’s cancellation had not affected
                         achieving sustainable growth amid oil prices of  its decision to exit the project.
                         $50-60 barrel.                         The developer said: “Even after the decision
                           It added: “Based on the recognition, our E&P  not to proceed with the LNG project in July 2017
                         projects have been striving to improve their prof-  due to changes in the business environment,
                         itability by optimising the business portfolio,  Japex has been working with PECL and its part-
                         including the sale of the asset.”    ners to maximise the value of the NM project by
                           The deal will see Petronas’ interest increase  optimising the development plan.”™


       EIA forecasts slight tight oil

       output increase in June

        US               THE US Energy Information Administration  tight oil production of 7.71mn bpd in May, up
                         (EIA) has projected that tight oil output from the  from 7.61mn bpd previously.
                         country’s seven leading shale formations will rise   Meanwhile, the EIA has predicted that shale
                         by 26,000 barrels per day in June compared with  gas production will fall again in June com-
                         May, reaching 7.73mn bpd. This marks the sec-  pared with May, but less rapidly than previ-
                         ond consecutive month in which the agency has  ously monthly declines. The agency anticipates
                         forecast a slight increase in tight oil production,  that total shale gas production across the seven
                         as conditions improve for the industry but shale  shale regions will be 83.57bn cubic feet (2.367bn
                         drillers continue to favour restraint.  cubic metres) per day in June, down by 53mn
                           The projected increase is anticipated to  cubic feet (1.5mn cubic metres) per day on May.
                         come almost entirely from the Permian Basin,  Again, the latest May forecast is higher than it
                         with the EIA predicting output there to rise by  was a month ago, at 83.62 bcf (2.368 bcm) per
                         54,000 bpd month on month, while another  day, compared with 82.78 bcf (2.344 bcm) per
                         1,000 bpd is added in Appalachia. However,  day previously.
                         anticipated declines across most of the other   Gas output from the Permian Basin and
                         regions will go some way towards offsetting the  Haynesville shale plays is forecast to rise month
                         Permian gains.                       on month, but this is expected to be offset by
                           It is also worth noting that the EIA’s projec-  declines from the other regions.
                         tion for May has increased since its last monthly   This comes as both oil and gas rig counts
                         forecast. The agency – which only covers the  continue to rise gradually, reaching levels last
                         current month and the one that follows it in its  seen in April 2020. Production trends tend to
                         Drilling Productivity Report – now anticipates  lag rig movements.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 20   20•May•2021
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