Page 12 - MEOG Week 36 2022
P. 12

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              revenues this year, the government has,   territory under Lebanon’s previous Line 23
                                           however, relented somewhat in the face of   claim. Lebanon’s proposal has reportedly
       South Pars Gas Co.                  demands. It announced last month that   shifted in recent months to somewhere in
                                           some salaries would be raised by 10%. That’s
                                                                                between, with Beirut wanting all of Blocks 8
       employees arrested for              progress, but not so much progress, given that   and 9 - which abut the Line 23 claim - plus
                                                                                additional territory that covers the portion
                                           official annual inflation stands at 52%.
       protesting                          NEWSBASE                             of the Block 9 Qana prospect that extends
                                                                                beyond Line 23, according to a source close to
       A group of 67 workers from Iran’s South Pars   Potential for breakthrough   Hezbollah.
       Gas Company were arrested over the weekend                                 A deal will facilitate production in Israel,
       after travelling to Tehran from the southern   for Israel-Lebanon Dispute  but it won’t necessarily mean a rapid boon for
       city of Bushehr to hold a demonstration in                               Lebanon, currently suffering an energy and
       front of the Ministry of Petroleum (MoP).  The planned September start-up of Israel’s   economic crisis.
         The planned protest over insufficient wages   offshore Karish gas field has injected fresh   For Israel, the Karish development comes
       and other grievances, according to the Free   momentum into efforts to resolve a decades-  at an opportune time - if it can be done
       Union of Iranian Workers.           old maritime dispute between Lebanon and   without triggering conflict. Europe’s desire
         The union wrote on social media that   Israel. Escalating rhetoric between Israel and   to wean itself off Russian gas after Moscow’s
       the protesting employees were confronted   Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah   decision to invade Ukraine has reopened a
       by security and police forces. Their mobile   in June gave way to a concerted shuttle   possible market for Mediterranean gas.
       phones were confiscated and some were taken   diplomacy carried out by US Energy Envoy   The prospects for Lebanon are less clear.
       to a detention centre, it added. Unfair working   Amos Hochstein between the Israeli and   The TotalEnergies-led consortium that holds
       hours, high taxes, low quality health-care   Lebanese governments. Negotiators are now   Block 9 won’t drill in disputed territory,
       services and the government’s failure to put in   “closer than ever” to a deal, as a US official   Energy Intelligence understands, leaving
       place approved laws were other matters raised   puts it, but talks have fallen apart before.  Qana’s prospectivity unknown.
       by the workers, who carried placards.  The current Lebanese border proposal   Private Russian firm Novatek is also
         In recent months, pensioners, teachers,   stops short of territory that encompasses the   planning to leave the consortium, which also
       retired government employees, bus drivers   Karish field that Israel is developing, marking   includes Italy’s Eni. And major oil and gas
       and oil workers have been among groups that   a retreat from a more expansive claim Beirut   firms are having trouble commercializing
       have held street protests in Iran to protest   made in 2020.             even massive proven reserves - witness Total’s
       against conditions that cause economic   Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has   troubled Mozambique LNG development.
       hardship.                           repeatedly threatened Israeli development of   Still, “there’s enough of an argument that if
         The protests have become so frequent that   Karish - and other Israeli platforms - since   things go well and the natural gas reserves
       there is even speculation that the situation   London-listed Energean’s floating production,   are there, they can be used for the Lebanese
       might persuade the regime that securing   storage and offloading vessel arrived at the   people in the medium and long term,” the
       a relaunch of the 2015 nuclear deal with   field in early June. Parts of Karish sit north of   International Crisis Group’s David Wood said.
       major powers, and triggering the economic   Lebanon’s Line 29 claim, put forward in late   Egyptian gas supplied via the Arab Gas
       bounce that should come with that, is in Iran’s   2020.                  Pipeline could yet offer nearer-term relief.
       interests.                            The field, where output is targeted at 630   Lebanon, Syria and Egypt have agreed for
         Boasting higher oil and other export   million cubic feet per day, was not in disputed   state Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Co. (Egas)

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   07•September•2022
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