Page 14 - MEOG Week 36 2022
P. 14

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       Foreign company faces               part in tenders for five years,” the paper said   politicization of oil and the political use of
                                           without identifying that firm or the delayed
                                                                                energy,” he said.
       ban for oil project delay in        project in Mangaf, south of Kuwait City.  REUTERS
       Kuwait                                                                   Saudi Arabia lowers
       State-owned Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)   OIL                               October Arab Light crude
       has decided to ban a foreign company for
       five years after it was late in executing an oil   Iran says the world needs  prices to Asia
       project, a newspaper said on Thursday.
         KOC, which manages the Gulf country’s   more of its oil                Saudi Arabia lowered October official selling
       upstream oil sector, is seeking approval                                 prices (OSPs) for its flagship Arab light
       from the Central Agency for Public Tenders   Iran’s minister of petroleum Javad Owji   crude it sells to Asia by nearly $4 a barrel,
       (CAPT) to enforce the penalty against the   said the world needed more Iranian oil, and   marking the first reduction in four months,
       firm, the Arabic language daily Alrai said,   that his country was ready to play a role in   the country’s state oil producer Aramco said
       citing official oil sources.        providing it away from politics, the Iranian oil   on Tuesday. The world’s top oil exporter
         KOC intends to enforce the punishment in   ministry’s news agency SHANA reported.  raised September OSPs to record high levels
       line with the “4th section of Article 85” in the   In a statement issued after an OPEC+   of $10.95 a barrel for Arab Extra Light against
       country’s oil law stipulating imposing punitive   meeting in which a minor cut was agreed,   the Oman/Dubai average and $9.80 a barrel
       measures against contractors who fail to   Owji said current market conditions needed   for Arab Light. Saudi Arabia also lowered its
       complete projects on time, the report said.  “careful consideration” and that cooperation   Arab Light OSP to northwest Europe at $2.70
         “KOC has asked CAPT for approval of   within the oil alliance was helping global   a barrel against ICE Brent for October, while
       its decision to penalise that company…the   consumers. “We have always declared that   leaving it unchanged to the United States at
       penalty includes a heavy fine, deletion of   we are ready to contribute to our role in the   $6.15 versus ASCI.
       the company’s name from KOC’s record of   supply of oil and oil products and to improve   REUTERS
       contractors and preventing it from taking   energy security in the world by avoiding

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