Page 16 - MEOG Week 36 2022
P. 16

MEOG                           NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           MEOG

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  is already sending, will depend on results from
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  upcoming exploration work at key fields, and
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  whether Turkey waives its first right to supplies.
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their
                         regional beats.  By clicking on the headline link  FSUOGM: Unknown firm bids for Shell stake
                         for each section the full text will be available.  A little-known Dubai-based logistics company
                                                              called Wellnord is reportedly prepared to buy
                         AfrOil: FAR picks up Gambian stakes  Shell’s 50% stake in its Salym Petroleum Devel-
                         Australia’s FAR Ltd has bought 50% stakes in  opment joint venture with Russia’s Gazprom
                         Block A2 and Block A5, located in Gambia’s off-  Neft.
                         shore zone, from its partner Petronas (Malaysia),   Shell vowed to withdraw from the Russian
                         bringing its stake in both sites up to 100%.   oil industry in the wake of Moscow’s invasion
                           The value of the deal has not been made  of Ukraine in late February, but has had difficult
                         public.                              offloading assets, especially since Russian Pres-
                                                              ident Vladimir Putin issued a decree in early
                         AsianOil: Santos takes FID on Darwin pipe  August preventing foreign companies from
                         Australia’s Santos has taken a final investment  divesting shares in what are considered strategic
                         decision to proceed with the Darwin Pipeline  enterprises.
                         Duplication Project.
                           The scheme will extend the Barossa gas  LatAmOil: Barbados to offer 22 blocks
                         export pipeline to the Darwin LNG facility and  Barbados will offer all 22 available blocks in its
                         allow for the repurposing of the Bayu-Undan to  offshore zone to international oil companies in a
                         Darwin pipeline that currently carries natural  bidding round in the fourth quarter of this year,
                         gas from offshore Timor-Leste to the Santos-op-  the Ministry of Energy and Business Develop-
                         erated LNG plant.                    ment has announced.
                                                                The ministry went public with news of the
                         DMEA: ZIM, Shell sign LNG bunkering deal  auctions just a few days before the scheduled
                         ZIM Integrated Shipping Services (Israel) has  start of its 2022 Licensing Round Roadshow,
                         secured fuel supplies for 10 new LNG-powered  held at the AAPG Image 22 conference in Hou-
                         ships that are due to enter its fleet in 2023-2024  ston on August 30-September 1.
                         under a long-term bunkering contract with a
                         subsidiary of Shell.                 NorthAmOil: Cheniere plans further expansion
                           The Israeli company announced the signing  Cheniere Energy intends to add further capac-
                         of the contract with Shell NA LNG in a state-  ity to its Corpus Christi LNG export terminal in
                         ment dated August 31.                Texas, beyond the 10mn tonne per year expan-
                                                              sion that is currently under construction at the
                         EurOil: Questions about Azeri gas flows  plant.
                         Europe has reached out to Azerbaijan as a source   The company has requested that the US Fed-
                         of additional gas supply to eliminate more of its  eral Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
                         imports from Russia.                 begin its National Environmental Policy Act
                           But how much extra gas the country would  (NEPA) prefiling review for two additional mid-
                         be able to provide, beyond the 10 bcm per year it  scale trains at Corpus Christi.™

                                               See the archive and sign up to
                                              receive *NRG Editor’s Picks* for
                                                free by email each week here

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   07•September•2022
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