Page 13 - MEOG Week 36 2022
P. 13

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       to transport 650 million cubic meters of gas   looking like acquiescence to those threats. The   constitutional rights under any pressure. He
       per year to Lebanon via Syria to alleviate   US official is optimistic a deal can be done   also pointed out to Kurdistan Region’s desire
       chronic blackouts - a deal that only works if   before the Karish start-up, and does not need   to solve problems in accordance with the
       Washington comes up with a workaround   to wait until Israeli elections.  constitution.
       to its existing sanctions on Syria to facilitate   ENERGY INTEL          IRAQI NEWS
       World Bank funding. The US’ Hochstein has
       said the two issues aren’t linked, but Lebanese   Washington to resolve oil
       officials believe they are - and that reaching                           COMPANIES
       an agreement on the maritime border could   export dispute between
       help pave the way for the piped gas in the near                          Saudi Arabia, Eni sign MoU
       term.                               Baghdad and Kurdistan
         Domestic political issues on both sides may                            Saudi Arabia and Italian energy company
       yet serve as obstacles to finalizing a deal.  The US administration confirmed on   Eni have signed a memorandum of
         The two sides have been close to agreement   Wednesday its commitment to support the   understanding, mainly in the field of
       before, only for a deal to fall apart as domestic   Kurdistan region and to increase efforts to   sustainable development in the energy sector.
       politics took over. In 2012, the government   resolve problems with the federal government   The agreement was signed by Saudi
       of then and current Lebanese Prime Minister   in Baghdad, especially the dispute over oil and   Investment Minister Khalid Al-Falih and Eni
       Najab Mikati collapsed, putting an end to the   gas. A statement issued by Kurdistan’s cabinet   CEO Claudio Descalzi on the sidelines of the
       prospects of a different compromise than what  mentioned that Kurdistan’s Prime Minister,   Forum Ambrosetti, an annual international
       is on the table today, according to an account   Masrour Barzani, met on Wednesday with   economic conference held in Italy.
       by then-negotiator Frederic Hof. This time   the US Assistant Secretary of State for Near   Since its inception in 1975, the forum has
       around, Lebanese President Michele Aoun’s   Eastern Affairs, Barbara Leaf, where both   brought together heads of state, ministers,
       term expires Oct. 31, and a deal could mark a   discussed developing the relations between   Nobel laureates and top businesspeople from
       much-needed win for his term.       the United States and the Kurdistan Region   all over the world to discuss challenges to the
         Israel meanwhile faces a political transition   and the latest developments related to the   world’s economies and societies.
       of its own. Ahead of Nov. 1 parliamentary   Iraqi political situation.     Descalzi presented to Al-Falih Eni’s de-
       elections, there is some speculation that Israeli   Leaf confirmed her country’s commitment   carbonization strategy, with a special focus
       Prime Minister Yair Lapid may prefer to   to continue supporting the Kurdistan   on industrial initiatives and technologies
       push a possibly controversial deal back until   region and the Peshmerga, according to the   supporting energy transition.
       after the poll. “I think the incentives do exist   statement.              Al-Falih shared with Descalzi outlooks
       for Israel to do a deal and bring it across the   Leaf stressed the need to intensify efforts   for Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 and National
       line, but there obviously are some domestic   to solve problems between the region and   Investment Strategy.
       obstacles,” Wood said.              the federal government, especially the   In a statement, Eni said the two sides
         There is also US pressure to get the deal   disagreements over the oil and gas issue   “shared views about the role of Saudi Arabia
       done. In an Aug. 31 phone call with Lapid,   that needs to be resolved through dialogue   based on current energy market challenges.”
       US President Joe Biden “emphasized the   and negotiations, as failure to resolve it will   The MoU aims to promote cooperation
       importance of concluding the maritime   negatively affect Iraq’s security and stability,   between Eni and Saudi institutions and
       boundary negotiations between Israel and   the statement mentioned.      companies, mainly in the field of sustainable
       Lebanon in the coming weeks,” a White House   Barzani talked about the reforms   development. Areas of cooperation include
       readout said.                       implemented by the government in terms   the study of joint development of initiatives
         Waiting until after the election to finalize   of diversifying the economy and sources   around sustainable mobility, the circular
       a deal also presents other problems for Israel.   of revenue as well as building a strong   economy and the chemicals industry.
       First there’s the risk that Nasrallah carries   infrastructure, the statement added.  Eni has been operating in the refining and
       through on the threat to attack Karish if   Barzani stressed that the people of   chemicals sector in the Kingdom since 1984
       production begins there before an agreement.   Kurdistan sacrificed a lot for their rights,   through its subsidiary Ecofuel.
       But any Israeli decision to delay Karish risks   thus, they are not ready to give up their   ARAB NEWS

       Week 36   07•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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