Page 11 - GLNG Week 23 2021
P. 11

GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

                                                                                  Crown LNG India, a subsidiary of Crown
                                                                                LNG Holding, has signed an agreement
                                                                                with East LNG; to finance, build and lease
                                                                                the Infrastructure for their offshore LNG
                                                                                receiving terminal at Kakinada. Crown has
                                                                                also been contracted for operations and
                                                                                management of the facility, through the 25-
                                                                                year lease period.
                                                                                  Crown LNG has now initiated
                                                                                development of the Kakinada project.
                                                                                  “We will build an LNG terminal that will
                                                                                be operational 365 days per year, including
       abundant natural gas supply and British   ASIA                           during the monsoon season, for 25 years
       Columbia’s growing liquefied natural gas                                 following the completion of the terminal,”
       (LNG) infrastructure to produce industry-  GTT will design two very      says Gunnar Knutsen, CEO of Crown LNG
       leading low–carbon, low-cost Canadian LNG                                AS, which is Crown LNG’s project services
       for overseas markets. Cedar LNG will be the   large LNG land storage     company.
       largest First Nation-owned infrastructure                                CROWN LNG HOLDING, June 09, 2021
       project in Canada and will have one of the   tanks in China
       cleanest environmental profiles in the world.                            GTT obtains tank design
         “It was important for us to find a partner   GTT announces that it has received an order
       with the same values of environmental   for the design of two very large membrane full   order for two new LNG
       protection and community-centred    containment LNG storage tanks from China
       development,” said Crystal Smith, Haisla   Chengda Engineering.          carriers from Samsung
       Nation, Chief Councillor. “Pembina’s long   GTT will design the two latest generation
       history of safe, reliable operations, and   membrane storage tanks, each with a net   Heavy Industries
       engagement with local communities made   capacity of 220,000 cubic metres and fitting
       them the distinct choice for Cedar LNG.   with GST® technology, developed by GTT.  GTT announces that it has received an order
       With a strong partnership, Cedar LNG will   This order is part of the new cooperation   from its partner the Korean shipyard Samsung
       bring tremendous economic opportunities   agreement related to the Tianjin Nangang   Heavy Industries (SHI) for the tank design of
       and benefits ensuring the Haisla people have   LNG terminal, signed in March 2021 between   two new LNGCs on behalf of a ship-owner
       control of our own future.”         BGG and GTT and relates Phase III of the   which name remains confidential at this stage.
         “This partnership is the result of   project.                            As part of this order, GTT will design the
       meaningful collaboration with the Haisla   The two tanks will be delivered in the   tanks of the vessels which will each offer a
       Nation to deliver responsibly-developed,   second quarter of 2024 in the Tianjin south   capacity of 174,000 cubic metres. The LNGC
       world-class energy,” said Stu Taylor, Pembina’s   port Industrial Zone in China.  tanks will be fitted with the GTT Mark III
       Senior Vice President, Marketing and New   Mr. Philippe Berterottière, chairman and   Flex membrane containment system.
       Ventures & Corporate Development Officer.   CEO of GTT, declared: “This order for two   Deliveries of the vessels are scheduled
       “We believe that environmental stewardship,   more LNG storage tanks further confirms   between the second and third quarter of 2024.
       Indigenous prosperity and inclusion, and   that GTT’s Membrane full containment   GTT, June 10, 2021
       mutual economic benefit are the cornerstones   technology is becoming a reference solution
       of future energy infrastructure development   for LNG land storage tanks due to its
       in Canada, and we are honoured to have the   efficiency, competitiveness, safety and low   EUROPE
       opportunity to work with the Haisla Nation to   environmental footprint.”
       produce Canadian LNG.”              GTT, June 03, 2021                   Klaipeda LNG terminal will
         Pembina’s president and chief executive
       officer, Mick Dilger, added, “We have worked   Crown LNG to develop LNG  be used by an energy giant
       with the Haisla Nation on and off for over
       a decade with three different Haisla Nation   terminal offshore India    KN (Klaipedos Nafta), the operator of oil and
       leaders, maintaining a positive relationship                             liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, has
       throughout that time. I am simply delighted   Crown LNG Holding, a Norwegian group   completed the annual procedure of allocating
       that this long-term relationship has led us to   which specialises in developing LNG   LNG terminal capacity for the new gas year.
       this tremendous opportunity to finally partner  infrastructure for harsh weather conditions,   Customers, including the Norwegian energy
       with the Haisla Nation. At Pembina, our goal   has initiated development of an LNG terminal   company Equinor ASA, will use the pre-
       is to leave communities in a better situation   offshore Kakinada, India.  ordered 8.9 TWh LNG terminal regasification
       than we find them, which is what we have   Crown LNG specialises in LNG   capacity during the gas year starting on
       recently done in Prince Rupert, and what we   infrastructure for both LNG re-gasification   October 1, 2021.
       will do here. This Project will bring a second   and LNG liquefaction. Since its inception,   Last year, 8.4 TWh was distributed during
       product to global markets, consistent with our   the company has focused on development   the annual capacity allocation procedure,
       stated strategy, with more to come.”  of a technical solution that can operate in   and additional 12.3 TWh of natural gas was
       THE HAISLA NATION AND PEMBINA PIPELINE,   more severe weather conditions than floating   ordered during gas year.
       June 08, 2021                       solutions.                             “This year, the activities of Klaip?da LNG

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