Page 8 - GLNG Week 23 2021
P. 8
Black & Veatch to study AET’s
LNG-to-power project in Colombia
PROJECTS & US-BASED Black & Veatch has won a contract project design requirements and estimate capital
COMPANIES for a feasibility study of the Andes Energy Ter- and operating costs,” the statement said. Addi-
minal (AET) project, an LNG-to-power scheme tionally, it will assess the project’s financial via-
that would serve consumers in central and bility and identify potential sources of financing
south-western Colombia. options.
Under the contract, Black & Veatch will carry In its press release, Black & Veatch said that
out commercial, engineering and technical stud- the LNG-to-power project would boost the
ies for a plan that encompasses the establishment quantity and reliability of power supplies in
of an LNG import terminal and a 400-MW nat- the cities of central and south-western Colom-
ural gas-fired thermal power plant (TPP) on the bia, while also contributing to efforts to lower The scheme will
Aguadulce Peninsula near the port of Buenaven- the country’s carbon emissions. Additionally,
tura on Colombia’s Pacific coast. These studies it stated, the scheme will support long-term support long-
will “build on commercial and technical work plans for promoting trade in hydrogen, as it will
previously completed by the sponsors” of the involve the construction of liquid fuel storage term plans for
project, the company said in a press release last facilities.
week. Oscar Falcon, the managing director of Latin promoting trade
The press release identified those sponsors as America for Black & Veatch’s power business, in hydrogen.
AIM-listed Andes Energy and a “world-leading said he expected the AET scheme to bene-
strategic power solutions vendor” that has thus fit Colombia and the region. “[This] project
far remained anonymous. The vendor is “active provides the type of comprehensive planning
in more than 180 countries, with [its] technol- critical to accelerating the energy transition
ogy producing a third of the world’s electricity,” and enabling greater grid resilience through
it said. more-connected infrastructure,” he said.
Black & Veatch did not reveal the value of “Across Central and South America, develop-
the contract, which will involve the prepa- ers of ambitious projects like the Andes Energy
ration of detailed implementation and con- Terminal demand thoughtful assessments by
struction plans. However, it noted that the trusted experts in everything from LNG and
costs of the studies would be covered by a electrical generation to energy storage and
grant from the US Trade and Development emerging technologies. Our expertise across
Agency (TDA). the power market provides the surety develop-
The feasibility study is designed to “verify ers and investors need to undertake projects of
the proposed project site’s suitability, define the this scale and complexity.”
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 23 11•June•2021