Page 12 - GLNG Week 23 2021
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GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

       terminal will be more intensive than ever -   of 2021 alone, the volume of regasification of   up to eight percent.
       during this capacity allocation procedure,   spot cargoes will be twice as high if compared   “Combining our ALS compressors with
       the largest number of capacities in the entire   to the pre-ordered capacities.  Hyundai’s Hi-ALS air lubrication system is an
       history of the LNG terminal was ordered.   KLAIPEDOS NAFTA, June 07, 2021  excellent example of how the supplier industry
       Not only the existing customers, but also the                            can cooperate to make the shipping industry
       Norwegian energy company Equinor, which is   HHI orders ALS compressors   greener and reduce shipowners’ operating
       planning to support its operations in the Baltic                         costs,” says Hans Petter Tanum, TMC’s
       Sea region, have decided in advance to use   for five LNG vessels        director of sales and business development.
       the services and benefits of the LNG terminal.                             TMC will supply three marine ALS
       We’re happy that KN’s goals of increasing   Hyundai Heavy Industries has contracted   compressors to each of the five newbuild LNG
       the competitiveness of the LNG terminal in   TMC Compressors to deliver marine air   carriers, in total 15 ALS compressor units.
       the region, strengthening cooperation with   lubrication system (ALS) compressors to   TMC will also supply dedicated ALS control
       existing and potential customers, and offering   five LNG carriers the Korean shipbuilder is   systems that are integrated in a specially
       flexible technological and planning solutions   constructing for three different shipowners.  designed control cabinet.
       are now bearing fruits and attracting new   ALS – or air lubrication system – is a   The equipment will be manufactured
       strategic partners,” says Mindaugas Navikas,   method used to reduce the resistance between   in Norway and shipped to Hyundai Heavy
       chief sales officer of KN.          the ship’s hull and seawater by using air   Industries in Korea. The five newbuilds will be
         Mindaugas Navikas draws attention to   bubbles. The air bubble distribution across the   constructed by Hyundai Heavy Industries and
       the trend that continues to be observed   hull surface reduces the frictional resistance   Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries in Korea.
       for several years now - the LNG terminal   working on the ship’s hull, creating desired   The five LNG carriers will each have a
       has the opportunity to flexibly respond to   energy-saving effects.      cargo capacity of 174,000 cubic metres. Two
       relevant market changes and adjust reloading   TMC has developed a range of marine   of the vessels are for Norwegian shipowner
       and regasification needs accordingly at the   compressors for use in combination with   Knutsen OAS, two for Korean shipowner
       terminal, and its customers actively make   air lubrication systems to help ships further   SM KLCSM, while the final vessel is for an
       use of these benefits. Due to the constantly   reduce fuel consumption and emissions to   undisclosed shipowner. The five-vessel supply
       changing prices of natural gas in the global   air. For these five LNG carriers, TMC’s ALS   contract also includes options for delivery
       and European markets, the terminal’s   compressors will be coupled with Hyundai   of TMC’s ALS compressors to further LNG
       customers more often choose to purchase   Heavy Industries’ self-developed Hi-ALS air   newbuilds equipped with an ALS system.
       LNG cargo from the spot market and order   lubrication system on all five vessels.  TMC COMPRESSORS, June 10, 2021
       the necessary capacity during the course of   According to Hyundai Heavy Industries, its
       the gas year. It is estimated that in the gas year   Hi-ALS system can cut fuel consumption by

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   11•June•2021
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