Page 9 - GLNG Week 23 2021
P. 9
Woodside aims for carbon neutrality at Pluto
ENERGY AUSTRALIAN developer Woodside Energy “These efforts are complemented by our invest-
TRANSITION aims to make its Pluto LNG facility carbon neu- ment in generating high-quality offsets and
tral by 2050. potential opportunities in renewable power and
The company said on June 8 that it had set hydrogen.”
new interim and long-term targets to achieve The developer has suggested using solar
net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at power at Pluto LNG, with supplies to come
Pluto LNG by 2050. from its proposed Woodside Power Project. The
Western Australian Minister for Environ- power development will comprise more than
ment Amber-Jade Sanderson has approved 210,000 solar panels, becoming one of WA’s larg-
the targets, which include an interim target of est solar projects.
abating 30% of the facility’s emissions by 2030 Woodside said on May 27 that it was inves-
and 100% of emissions by 2050. tigating the supply of around 50 MW of solar
Woodside said the targets were based on energy to Pluto LNG and that it had undertaken
Pluto LNG’s proposed expansion, which will a range of environmental, geotechnical and engi-
allow the facility to process gas from the offshore neering studies for the power project.
Scarborough field at a second train, and that In addition, Woodside and Perdaman are
they accounted for emissions associated with also evaluating the supply of a further 50 MW
the expanded plant. of solar power for the latter’s proposed urea
The expansion will modify the plant’s existing facility.
gas processing train in addition to the construc- Perdaman has estimated the incorporating
tion of a second train. solar power could reduce its fuel gas consump-
Woodside’s emissions reduction plan involves tion by approximately 50% while reducing emis-
“adopting technology considered to be best sions by at least 200,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of
practice for LNG developments in Australia, CO2-equivalent over 20 years.
implementing operational improvements and Woodside operates Pluto LNG with a 90%,
offsetting all reservoir carbon dioxide [CO2]”. while Japan’s Kansai Electric Power and Tokyo
Woodside’s acting CEO, Meg O’Neill, said: Gas each own 5%.
German LNG near to finalising deals
PROJECTS & THE developers behind what is expected to be German LNG Terminal is ready to take this step
COMPANIES Germany’s first LNG regasification terminal too.”
have said they are “extremely confident” they GLT shortlisted a consortium of Spanish
will “soon” finalise deals with customers and companies Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios and
contractors ahead of taking a final investment Sener Ingenieria y sistemas and Germany’s TGE
decision (FID). Gas Engineering for the EPC contract in 2019. It
German LNG Terminal (GLT), a joint ven- is also hoping to finalise a contract with German
ture between Dutch gas transmission system power company RWE on booking a “substantial”
operator (TSO) Gasunie, Dutch chemical stor- part of the terminal’s capacity.
age firm Vopak and German logistics com- “The terminal will contribute to the securing
pany Oiltanking, plan to build a terminal in and diversification of the natural gas supply at
Brunsbuettel capable of bringing ashore 8bn the time of the energy transformation in Ger-
cubic metres per year of gas. In a statement on many,” GLT said. “With the possibility of han-
June 4, GLT said the project had obtained an dling green gases at the terminal, the terminal
exemption on tariff and network access regula- will play an important role in the energy supply
tions from the European Commission. of the future.”
“The commercial framework conditions for Germany currently lacks any LNG import
the LNG terminal have now been determined,” capacity, relying mostly on piped supplies from
GLT’s managing director, Rolf Brouwer, com- Russia and the North Sea. But there are several
mented in a statement. “We are extremely con- regasification projects in the pipeline, of which
fident that we will now soon be able to conclude GLT is the most advanced.
binding contracts with our potential customers, GLT asked for regulatory exemptions
and commission the EPC (engineering, procure- for the project in 2018 and the request was
ment and construction) contractor. We hope granted by German regulators in December
that the planning permission procedures can last year, although that decision had to be vet-
take a decisive step forward in the near future. ted by the EC.
Week 23 11•June•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P9