Page 7 - GLNG Week 23 2021
P. 7

GLNG                                            AFRICA                                                GLNG

       Tanzania reports progress

       in talks on LNG project

        PROJECTS &       TANZANIA’S government is reportedly mak-  facility will process gas from three deepwater
        COMPANIES        ing progress in talks with Equinor (Norway)  offshore sites containing about 35 trillion cubic
                         and Royal Dutch Shell (UK/Netherlands) on  feet (991bn cubic metres) – Block 2, assigned to
                         the resumption of work at an LNG project worth  Equinor, and Blocks 1 and 4, assigned to Shell –
                         $30bn.                               as feedstock for LNG production.
                           According to Minister of Energy and Min-  Tanzania’s government suspended talks
                         erals Medard Kalemani, the parties are moving  on the LNG project in late 2019 in response to
                         closer to a deal on the Tanzania LNG scheme.  then-President John Magufuli’s demand for
                         “We expect to conclude negotiations for a host  a review of the country’s production-sharing
                         government agreement [HGA] and review pro-  regime. Magufuli had intended to resume dis-
                         duction-sharing agreements [PSAs]” by June 30,  cussions late last year, after Tanzania’s presiden-
                         2022, he told members of the country’s parlia-  tial election. However, this decision to wait did
                         ment last week.                      not pay off; Magufuli did win another term, but
                           If this deadline is met, Equinor and Shell  he did not return to the matter of Tanzania LNG
                         should be able to start building an LNG plant in  before his death in March 2021.
                         Lindi, a port in the southern part of the coun-  His successor, Samia Suluhu Hassan, has
                         try, in 2023 and wrap up construction about five  taken a different approach, saying she wants to
                         years later, Kalemani said. Tanzanian authorities  push the long-delayed project forward. In April,
                         have already finalised plans for compensating  Hassan urged Tanzania’s Ministry of Energy and
                         about 600 residents of Lindi for the land that will  Minerals to wrap up negotiations on the $30bn
                         be used for the project, he added.   LNG project as quickly as possible. She also said
                           When finished, the Tanzania LNG plant  that her administration was willing to seek out
                         will have two or three production trains with a  other partners if negotiations with Equinor and
                         capacity of 5mn tonnes per year (tpy) each. The  Shell were not successful.™

       Excelerate FSRU comes

       online offshore Argentina

        PROJECTS &       EXCELERATE Energy announced last week  to be delivered to Bahia Blanca, in addition to the
        COMPANIES        that its Exemplar floating storage and regasifica-  24 that had been contracted in March for deliv-
                         tion unit (FSRU) had started operations offshore  ery to Escobar.
                         the Argentine port of Bahia Blanca. This brings   This comes as demand grows while domestic
                         Argentina’s LNG import facilities to two, with a  gas production continues to lag levels seen prior
                         smaller Excelerate FSRU having already been  to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The
                         stationed at Escobar since 2011.     country’s gas output averaged 114mn cubic
                           The Exemplar has a storage capacity of  metres per day in April this year, down from a
                         150,900 cubic metres, and has previously oper-  peak of 144 mcm per day in August 2019.
                         ated offshore Argentina. It has been leased for   Texas-based Excelerate developed the Bahia
                         the 2021 Southern Hemisphere winter season –  Blanca GasPort – South America’s first LNG
                         from late May until August – to help the country  import terminal – in 2008. The terminal had
                         meet demand for natural gas, which is typically  been idle since 2018, as Argentina focused on
                         higher at this time of year.         tapping its Vaca Muerta shale formation, both
                           Media reported this week that the facility had  to supply gas to the domestic market and to
                         already received its first cargo.    drive exports. However, production has not met
                           Last winter, Argentina’s Integración  expectations, owing to a combination of factors
                         Energética Argentina (Ieasa) – the country’s  including Argentina’s economy, a poor com-
                         buyer of natural gas – purchased 28 LNG car-  modity price environment and – most recently
                         goes to meet winter demand, and this year the  – the pandemic. (See GLNG Week 21)
                         number is predicted to rise to at least 37. Ieasa   Excelerate won a tender to reactivate the ter-
                         recently launched a tender for 13 LNG cargoes  minal in April 2021.™

       Week 23   11•June•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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