Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2023
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       to the prior year first quarter. There is still   compared to the prior year.  of Upstream since 2017. He led Suncor’s oil
       a significant amount of the heating season   SUBURBAN PROPANE PARTNERS, February 03,   sands, in situ, and exploration and production
       ahead and, while the second quarter has   2023                           assets. Since joining Suncor in 1996, Mike
       started out unseasonably warm, our operating                             held a variety of leadership roles, including
       personnel are well prepared to manage                                    vice president of upgrading, vice president
       the things they can control and to deliver   ENERGY TRANSITION           of strategy and development, and senior vice
       exceptional service to our customers.”                                   president of in situ. He more recently served
         Stivala continued, “In addition to the   Whitecap Resources Inc.       as Executive Vice President of Major Projects
       strong earnings, subsequent to the end of                                where he was accountable for the safe and
       the first quarter, we closed on the acquisition   closes dispositions    cost-effective engineering, procurement, and
       of two operating renewable natural gas                                   construction activities for Suncor’s growth
       production facilities from Equilibrium   Whitecap Resources Inc. is pleased to   projects in the upstream, downstream, and
       Capital Group a leading sustainability-driven   announce that it has closed all three   renewable energy portfolios. Prior to joining
       asset management firm, for $190.0mn. We   previously announced dispositions of   Suncor, he worked at Betz Process Chemicals
       also established a strategic partnership with   certain non-strategic assets for aggregate   Inc. and Shell Canada Inc.
       Equilibrium to identify, develop and operate   consideration of CAD419mn, including   Crystal Young, President & CEO of MMG,
       additional RNG production facilities over the   CAD394mn of cash, prior to closing   spoke about the announcement: “MMG’s
       next three years. These strategic investments   adjustments, and producing assets that   growth has been exponential. Our objective
       provide immediate and meaningful scale to   consolidate the working interest in one of our   is to be the top provider for multiple oil sands
       Suburban’s existing portfolio of renewable   core assets.                services and support. Mike’s expertise and
       energy investments and assets, as well as   Proceeds from the dispositions have been   connections in the industry will play a vital
       a platform for accelerated growth in the   used to reduce net debt to CAD1.5bn which   role as we implement this strategy.”
       renewable fuels sector.”            accelerates achieving our net debt target of   MCKAY MÉTIS GROUP, February 07, 2023
         Retail propane gallons sold in the first   CAD1.3bn to mid-2023, based on current
       quarter of fiscal 2023 of 108.8mn gallons   strip prices. Our plan is to return 75% of   EOG Resources appoints
       increased 3.3% compared to the prior   free funds flow to our shareholders, which
       year, primarily due to cooler weather and   includes our targeted $0.73 per share annual   Lynn A. Dugle to board of
       favourable customer base trends. Average   base dividend, once this $1.3bn net debt
       temperatures (as measured by heating degree   milestone is achieved. The remaining 25%   directors
       days) across all of the Partnership’s service   of free funds flow will be used to continue to
       territories during the first quarter were 3%   reduce debt and strengthen our balance sheet.  EOG Resources, Inc. today announced the
       warmer than normal and 13% cooler than the   We have successfully monetised these   appointment of Lynn A. Dugle to its board
       prior year first quarter, with the majority of   non-strategic assets at strong disposition   of directors, effective March 1, 2023. Dugle
       the heating degree days coming in the latter   metrics and look forward to demonstrating   served as chief executive officer of Engility
       half of December 2022.              strong operational performance on our core   Holdings, a publicly traded engineering and
         Average propane prices (basis Mont   assets in 2023. We expect to grow 2023 annual   technology consulting company, from 2016
       Belvieu, Texas) for the first quarter of fiscal   production to 160,000-162,000 boepd from   until the sale of the company in 2019. Dugle
       2023 decreased 35.9% compared to the   our 2022 annual production of 144,000 boepd   previously served more than a decade in
       prior year first quarter. Total gross margin   (13% production per share growth1) on   senior management positions at Raytheon
       of $214.8mn in the fiscal 2023 first quarter   capital expenditures of CAD900-950mn.  Company, including Vice President,
       increased $35.7mn, or 20.0%, compared to the   WHITECAP RESOURCES, February 6, 2023  Engineering, Technology and Quality, and
       prior year first quarter. Gross margin for the                           President of Intelligence, Information and
       first quarter of fiscal 2023 included a $13.7mn                          Services. Before joining Raytheon in 2004,
       unrealised loss attributable to the mark-to-  MOVES                      Dugle held international and officer-level
       market adjustment for derivative instruments                             positions with ADC Telecommunications.
       used in risk management activities, compared   Oil sands veteran Mike    Dugle began her career at Texas Instruments.
       to a $33.5mn unrealized loss in the prior year                             “We are excited to add someone with
       first quarter. These non-cash adjustments,   Macsween to join board of   Lynn’s leadership experience across multiple
       which were reported in cost of products                                  information technology disciplines to
       sold, were excluded from Adjusted EBITDA   McKay Métis Group             EOG’s Board of Directors,” said Ezra
       for both periods. Excluding the impact                                   Y. Yacob, chairman and chief executive
       of the mark-to-market adjustments, total   The McKay Métis Group (MMG) is pleased   officer. “Lynn’s extensive background across
       gross margin increased $15.9mn, or 7.5%,   to announce the appointment of Mike   several technology markets, including
       compared to the prior year first quarter,   Macsween to its board of directors. This   telecommunications, intelligence, and
       primarily due to higher volumes sold and   appointment signals the next phase of MMG’s   cybersecurity, will be a valuable asset and
       higher unit margins. Excluding the impact of   growth strategy.          a great fit for EOG’s unique position as a
       the unrealized mark-to-market adjustments,   Mike MacSween retired from Suncor   technology leader in the oil and gas sector.”
       propane unit margins for the first quarter of   Energy in 2022. Previously, he held the   EOG RESOURCES, February 08, 2023
       fiscal 2023 increased $0.06, or 3.2%, per gallon  position of Suncor’s Executive Vice President

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 06   09•February•2023
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