Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2023
P. 12

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Freeport restarts liquefaction in

       Train 3, ending eight-month halt

        TEXAS            FREEPORT LNG said on February 3 that it had  occurred on June 8, requiring the facility to shut
                         restarted the liquefaction process of Train 3 at its  down and halt all LNG exports.
                         Texas-based LNG export plant of the same name.   Meanwhile, on February 11 federal regula-
                         In a filing with the state environmental regulator,  tors will hold a public meeting to allow commu-
                         Freeport LNG also added that liquefaction of  nity members and other interested parties the
                         Trains 2 and 1 would begin sequentially.  ability to voice any concerns about Freeport’s
                           The staggered restart of liquefaction of Trains  restart.
                         2 and 1 will provide “time between start-ups for   At full operating power, Freeport has the
                         each train to stabilise and run for several days at  capacity to liquefy around 2.1bn cubic feet
                         nominal rates”, Freeport stated in the filing.  (59.4mn cubic metres) per day of gas, which
                           The announcement comes after the US Fed-  represents roughly 2% of the country’s daily gas
                         eral Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)  production.
                         approved on February 1 Freeport’s request,   However, industry experts believe Freeport
                         granting approval “to commence commission-  will not return to full LNG production capacity
                         ing, including cooldown, of the LNG rundown  until mid-March at the earliest, while Japanese
                         piping system and Train 3”. The export facil-  LNG importer JERA, one of Freeport’s major
                         ity’s request to modify the Loop 1 and Dock 1  customers, has said it does not expect a restart
                         cooldown procedure was also granted by the  before the end of March.
                         FERC.                                  Freeport’s eight-month outage has seen
                           This marks a key step forward for the US’  its largest customers including JERA and
                         second-largest liquefaction plant, which has  Osaka Gas suffer hundreds of millions of
                         been idle since an explosion and subsequent fire  dollars in losses.™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       UPSTREAM                            down naturally occurring paraffin and   As previously disclosed, Clearview closed
                                           asphaltenes which reduce well and formation   the disposition of its non-operated working
       Wedgemount commences                productivity. Operations are being carried out   interest in the Carstairs Elkton Unit for
                                                                                gross proceeds of $1.68mn (net proceeds
                                           by Wedgemount’s partner, Petrosaurus, who
       initial Permian Basin               have an established track record of optimising   of $1.5mn after customary adjustments) on
                                           wells with chemical treatments in central and
                                                                                November 16, 2022. The disposition included
       programme                           south Texas.                         approximately 128 barrels of oil equivalent
                                                                                per day (“boe/d”) of production consisting
                                           WEDGEMONT RESOURCES, February 02, 2023
       Wedgemount Resources is pleased to                                       of 70% natural gas and 30% natural gas
       announce that it has commenced its phase-  Clearview Resources           liquids. Decommissioning obligations on
       one field program on its recently acquired                               an undiscounted, uninflated basis, removed
       Willowbend light oil project located in the   provides a corporate update  from the company’s balance sheet, totalled
       Permian Basin of central Texas.                                          approximately $0.4mn. Proceeds from the
         The initial program includes chemical   Clearview is very pleased to announce the   disposition were immediately applied against
       clean-outs of both operating wells and the   company has sold three non-core, non-  the company’s bank debt.
       producing Gardner formation, optimisation   operated assets for total proceeds of $3.3mn.   Over the past few months, Clearview has
       of surface facilities, and a study of historic   “The disposition metrics from these   continued to rationalise its non-core, non-
       bypassed pay zones. Chemical treatments on   properties were very attractive to Clearview   operated assets in southern Alberta.
       the initial three wells have been completed   and will free up capital to pursue returns   On December 30, 2022, the company
       and production tests have commenced. The   to shareholders as well as a development   closed the disposition of its non-operated
       company anticipates results of the well tests in   drilling program,” commented Rod   working interest in the East Crossfield Unit.
       approximately two weeks. The second phase   Hume, Clearview’s CEO. “Pro forma these   The company sold the property for gross and
       of chemical treatments will take place in mid-  dispositions, Clearview has no outstanding   net proceeds of $135,000. The disposition
       February.                           bank debt and a cash balance on hand of   included approximately 19 boe/d of
         The chemicals used in the well and   approximately $2.9mn as of January 31, 2023,”   production consisting of 85% natural gas and
       formation cleanouts are designed to break   added Mr. Hume.              15% natural gas liquids. Decommissioning

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 06   09•February•2023
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