Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2023
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Bakken holding back US

       oil production growth

        US               NORTH Dakota’s Bakken play is reported to be  in 2022. Demand has not declined for two con-
                         holding back the US’ oil production growth.  secutive years since 2006.
                           The US Energy Information Administration   As a result of less-than-normal natural gas
                         (EIA) projects that the country’s 2024 oil output  consumption in January 2023, US gas invento-
                         will reach 12.65mn barrels per day, down from  ries ended the month above their five-year aver-
                         an earlier projection in January of 12.8mn bpd.  age, from 2018-22. The EIA said it now expected
                         This represents a decline of 1.2%.   inventories to close the withdrawal season at the
                           But in 2023, production is now forecast to  end of March at more than 1.8 trillion cubic feet
                         be slightly higher than previously expected, at  (510 bcm), 16% more than the five-year average.
                         12.5mn bpd, up from the January projection of   The US’ LNG exports are projected by the   Even so, US crude
                         12.4mn bpd. This represents an upward revision  EIA to reach 11.78 bcf (334mn cubic metres) per
                         of 0.6%, according to the agency’s new Short-  day in 2023 and 12.59 bcf (357 mcm) per day in   output in 2024
                         Term Energy Outlook (STEO).          2024, up from a record 10.63 bcf (301 mcm) per
                           Mature wells in the Bakken are producing  day in 2022.                  is still expected
                         more gas than expected and will reduce oil out-  That 2023 forecast is lower than the 12.06
                         put in 2024, the EIA told Bloomberg.  bcf (342 mcm) per day projected in the January   to set a record
                           Even so, US crude output in 2024 is still  STEO. This is because the Freeport LNG export   compared with
                         expected to set a record compared with the  facility in Texas has been offline, and its restart
                         12.3mn bpd produced in 2019.         has been delayed. It is not expected to return to   the 12.3mn bpd
                           Dry natural gas production is forecast to  full capacity for another month or more.
                         reach new records of 100.27bn cubic feet (2.84bn   The EIA forecast that the Henry Hub natural   produced in
                         cubic metres) per day in 2023 and 101.68 bcf  gas spot price would average $3.40 per million
                         (2.88 bcm) per day in 2024, up from a high  British thermal units ($94.04 per 1,000 cubic   2019.
                         of 98.09 bcf (2.78 bcm) per day in 2022. If the  metres) in 2023, down almost 50% from last
                         forecast is accurate, this would mean that 2024  year and about 30% from the January STEO
                         is the fourth consecutive year that production  forecast.
                         has risen and the first time that has been the case   The agency said it had revised its outlook for
                         since 2015.                          Henry Hub prices because of weather that was
                           The agency also projected domestic gas con-  significantly warmer than usual in January 2023.
                         sumption would fall to 87.04 bcf (2.46 bcm) per  This has led to lower consumption than normal
                         day in 2023 and 86.10 bcf (2.44 bcm) per day in  of gas for space-heating and pushed inventories
                         2024 from a record 88.63 bcf (2.78 bcm) per day  above the five-year average.™

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