Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2023
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Equinor receives licence for

       discovery off Newfoundland

       The Newfoundland and Labrador oil regulator has licensed Equinor’s

       Cappahayden K-67 discovery, which is thought to be significant

        NEWFOUNDLAND     THE Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Off-  – Mizzen, Baccalieu and Harpoon – are thought
        AND LABRADOR     shore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) has issued  to account for a combined 186mn barrels.
                         a licence to Equinor for the Cappahayden K-67   This puts the total estimate for oil reserves
       WHAT:             discovery. The board estimates that it holds  at the projects linked to Bay du Nord so far at
       The Canada-       about 385mn barrels of recoverable oil. It is the  979mn barrels.
       Newfoundland and   C-NLOPB’s first such licence to be issued in two   Equinor is also the majority owner of Mizzen,
       Labrador Offshore   years.                             Harpoon and Baccalieu. The Norwegian com-
       Petroleum Board has   The field, located in the Flemish Pass Basin  pany has eight “significant discovery” licences
       licensed Equinor’s   about 500 km east of St. John’s, Newfound-  off Canada so far.
       Cappahayden K-67   land, was discovered in 2020. It is owned 60%
       discovery.        by Equinor and 40% by BP. Equinor told Reu-  Planning ahead
                         ters that it was now gauging how much of the  Bay du Nord, for which Equinor is targeting a
       WHY:              discovery’s oil is economically and technically  final investment decision (FID) for later this year
       The discovery has an   recoverable.                    or in 2024, would become Canada’s first deepwa-
       estimated 385mn barrels   Developing Cappahayden would involve a  ter offshore oil project,at water depths of 1,200
       of recoverable oil.  subsea tie-back to Equinor’s high-profile Bay du  metres.
                         Nord project, which would in turn use a float-  First oil is anticipated in the late 2020s, if an
       WHAT NEXT:        ing production, storage and offloading (FPSO)  FID is made. In April 2022, the federal Canadian
       Oil companies are   unit. Cappahayden is located at water depths of  Ministry of Environment approved the project’s
       continuing to focus   around 1,000 metres.             environmental assessment, with Newfound-
       on offshore drilling,   Bay du Nord is remote, located 500 km off the  land and Labrador having lobbied for a positive
       including in Canadian   coast. Indeed, it is in international waters and  decision.
       waters.           Canada would have to pay the United Nations   At the time, the federal government also
                         royalties if it is developed. This would be a first  called for new requirements for Bay du Nord
                         globally and could be seen as proof of the grow-  and other oil and gas projects as part of its
                         ing attractiveness of offshore oil projects.  goal to reach net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG)
                           The new estimate for Cappahayden suggests  emissions by 2050. Canada Action, a group
                         that the region may contain almost 1bn bar-  that backs oil development, has noted that the
                         rels. An estimated 407mn barrels is estimated  region’s light oil has a relatively low carbon
                         to be held at Bay du Nord itself, and three  intensity.
                         other linked projects also in the Flemish Pass   Equinor anticipates that Bay du Nord would

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