Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2023
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Cappahayden would
                                                                                                  involve a subsea tie-
                                                                                                  back to Equinor’s Bay
                                                                                                  du Nord project.

                         produce less than 8 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2)  to be home to 124bn barrels of crude, 3.2bn
                         per barrel of crude, which it noted is less than  barrels of which have been discovered, and an
                         half the global average.             estimated 8.3 trillion cubic metres of natural
                           The Cappahayden discovery could boost the  gas.
                         $12bn Bay du Nord project’s business case, in   There is also optimism over the Cape Freels
                         a turnaround after Equinor confirmed disap-  prospect, located 400 km east of St. John’s, where
                         pointing results for the nearby Sitka and Camb-  50% owner BP is set to drill an initial explora-
                         riol discoveries in the autumn of 2022.  tion well this summer. Hess and Noble Energy
                           Equinor and BP drilled an exploration well  each own a 25% stake in the prospect.
                         at Sitka and an appraisal well at Cambriol. A   Waters there are ultra-deep at 1,250 metres.
                         spokesperson told CBC News that drilling had  Estimates of oil reserves have reached 4-5bn
                         ended early at Sitka because of “operational  barrels, about double the size of the operating
                         challenges”, which it did not identify.  Hibernia project, which is located in far shal-
                           Equinor will now “take time to assess the  lower waters.
                         operational challenges experienced with the   Further south, the Canada-Nova Scotia Off-
                         well and conclude on further operational plans  shore Petroleum Board put out a call for bids
                         for the prospect at a later date”, the spokesperson  on eight parcels on the Scotian Shelf and Slope
                         said. Meanwhile, Equinor said that the appraisal  in September 2022. Bids are due in September
                         well at Cambriol did not find oil or gas.  2023.                            There is also
                                                               Oil companies are increasing focus on their
                         What next?                           offshore businesses globally owing to improved   optimism over
                         Newfoundland and Labrador is currently in  oil prices and the lower carbon intensity of off-  the Cape Freels
                         talks with Equinor and BP regarding royalties  shore production. Crude prices rose last year,
                         and how much of Bay du Nord’s construction  including in Canada, while Russia’s exports were   prospect, located
                         will be sourced in the province.     hit by sanctions after its invasion of Ukraine.
                           “Obviously [the new resource estimate is]  This boosted interest in offshore exploration,  400 km east of
                         good news, but to us it doesn’t change anything,”  including off Canada’s Atlantic coast. A rebound
                         said the Newfoundland and Labrador Minister  from the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic   St. John’s.
                         of Industry, Energy and Technology, Andrew  has also helped oil exploration to rise.
                         Parsons.                              Offshore exploration and construction are
                           This comes as an oil exploration boom is  costly compared with onshore shale develop-
                         underway in Canada’s Atlantic waters. New-  ments. But because of the large scale involved,
                         foundland and Labrador hopes to double off-  offshore production can be more profitable.
                         shore oil production by 2030. Three new areas  Emissions per barrel are also lower, though off-
                         are due to be opened up for bidding round this  shore spills are hard to clean up, especially if the
                         summer.                              platform is far from the coast.
                           In 2020, the Atlantic province launched an   Nonetheless, despite the challenges involved,
                         Offshore Exploration Initiative to reimburse  the picture looks better for offshore oil and gas
                         oil companies for exploration until 2024. The  exploration and production currently than it
                         waters offshore the province are estimated  has for some time.™

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