Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2023
P. 6

NorthAmOil                    PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                               NorthAmOil

       NuStar to move 600,000 bpd from

       Permian to Gulf Coast in 2024

        TEXAS            NUSTAR  Energy is planning to transport  of 2021. The company’s adjusted net income was
                         600,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude from  $75mn for the fourth quarter of 2022, or $0.34
                         the Permian Basin to the Gulf Coast in 2024 for  per share, compared with adjusted net income of   Flows on NuStar’s
                         refining or export, company executives have  $52mn, or $0.14 per share, for the fourth quarter
                         said.                                of 2021. This figure excluded insurance proceeds   Permian crude
                           Flows on NuStar’s Permian crude system hit  and a premium related to the repurchase of a
                         record-breaking volumes in the fourth quarter  portion of the Series D preferred units.  system hit
                         of 2022 with an average of 584,000 bpd. This rep-  Production in the Permian has been surging,
                         resented an increase of 13% on volumes for the  although it remains below pre-pandemic levels.  record-breaking
                         fourth quarter of 2021, the company said in its  Output from the basin has risen 12% compared   volumes in the
                         fourth-quarter earnings report.      with a year earlier, to a record 5.6mn bpd in
                           In 2023, NuStar is planning to spend $130-  January.                    fourth quarter of
                         150mn in strategic capital.            The US Energy Information Administra-
                           “We expect to allocate approximately $60mn  tion (EIA) forecasts that crude production in   2022.
                         to growing our Permian system and plan to  the Permian will increase by 470,000 bpd to
                         spend about $25mn to expand our West Coast  average 5.7mn bpd in 2023. In 2022, US crude
                         renewable fuels network,” said NuStar’s executive  output averaged an estimated 11.9mn bpd and is
                         vice president and chief financial officer, Tom  expected to rise to 12.4mn bpd this year. In 2024,
                         Shoaf. “In addition, we expect to spend between  the EIA forecasts that oil production in the Per-
                         $25mn and $35mn on reliability this year,” he  mian will grow by 350,000 bpd.
                         added.                                 ExxonMobil, Chevron and ConocoPhil-
                           San Antonio-based NuStar reported net  lips have all said they are expecting growth in
                         income of $92mn for the fourth quarter of 2022,  production in the Permian Basin this year. The
                         or $0.18 per share, compared with net income of  basin also played a significant part in their prof-
                         $58mn, or $0.19 per unit, for the fourth quarter  itability in 2022.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 06   09•February•2023
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