Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2023
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       ConocoPhillips profits double in 2022

        US               CONOCOPHILLIPS had its profits double in
                         2022 to reach $18.7bn, its highest earnings in a
                         decade, as crude prices rose. A year earlier, the
                         company’s profits totalled $8.1bn.
                           Excluding special items, the US oil compa-
                         ny’s full-year 2022 adjusted earnings reached
                         $17.3bn, compared with full-year earnings of
                         $8.0bn in 2021.
                           ConocoPhillips earned $71.05 per barrel of
                         oil equivalent (boe) in the fourth quarter of 2022,
                         compared with $65.56 per boe a year earlier. Its
                         production was unhedged, thus realising the full
                         impact of changes in marker prices, it said. But
                         its quarterly profit was $2.71 per share, which
                         missed analysts’ expectations of $2.81.
                           “We returned $15bn of capital to sharehold-
                         ers and achieved record production in our Lower
                         48 assets, while adding new high-quality strate-
                         gic projects to enhance our global portfolio for
                         decades to come,” said ConocoPhillips’ chair-
                         man and CEO, Ryan Lance.
                           “Building on 60 years of global LNG exper-
                         tise, we expanded our LNG business in Australia,
                         Germany, Qatar and along the US Gulf Coast.
                         We also set a new methane emissions intensity                            ConocoPhillips is
                         target in support of our continuing focus on low  told the news service that ConocoPhillips had   awaiting federal
                         GHG production,” he added.           finished 2022 “on a solid note with production   approval for its
                           ConocoPhillips said it would return $11bn  volumes exceeding consensus forecasts by 1.5%”.  proposed Willow project
                         to shareholders in 2023, with this figure below   The administration of US President Joe   in Alaska.
                         analysts’ expectations.              Biden recently indicated that it could support a
                           The company’s fourth-quarter 2022 pro-  scaled-back version of the company’s $7-7.5bn
                         duction totalled 1.758mn boe per day (boepd),  Willow project, which would be developed in the
                         including a 27,000 boepd negative impact  National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A).
                         from weather events in the Lower 48 states. Its  Environmentalists oppose the project on various
                         fourth-quarter Lower 48 production averaged  grounds, including their concern that it would
                         997,000 boepd, including 671,000 boepd from  endanger local wildlife.
                         the Permian Basin, 214,000 boepd from the   In an environmental review, the US Depart-
                         Eagle Ford play, and 96,000 boepd from the  ment of the Interior’s (DoI) Bureau of Land
                         Bakken.                              Management (BLM) said that it favoured the
                           The company’s 2023 total capital expend-  company drilling from only three sites at Wil-
                         iture guidance has been set at $10.7-11.3bn,  low, instead of the five that ConocoPhillips was
                         which includes $9.1-9.3bn for base capital and  proposing. The BLM is also recommending that
                         spending for the company’s Willow oil and gas  ConocoPhillips reduce surface infrastructure
                         drilling project in Alaska, which has not yet been  such as pipelines and gravel roads, limiting con-
                         approved.                            struction time and damage to wildlife.
                           ConocoPhillips expects to invest about $2bn   “The department has substantial concerns
                         in Sempra’s Port Arthur LNG facility, in whose  about the Willow project and the preferred
                         first phase it bought a 30% equity stake in 2022.  alternative as presented in the final supplemen-
                           Company executives issued guidance for  tal environmental impact statement, including
                         2023 for full-year production in the range of  direct and indirect greenhouse gas [GHG] emis-
                         1.76-1.8mn boepd, representing 1-4% organic  sions and impacts to wildlife and Alaska Native
                         growth. The company’s first-quarter 2023 pro-  subsistence,” said the DoI.
                         duction guidance range is 1.72-1.76 mn boepd,   The BLM has estimated that under its three-
                         which includes $35,000 of planned maintenance,  well-pad scenario, oil production could still
                         primarily in Qatar and the Lower 48.  reach about 614mn barrels over 31 years, which
                           “Headline numbers across this morning’s  would not be much less that the 629mn Cono-
                         report are mixed,” a Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co.  coPhillips envisions under its preferred five-site
                         analyst, Jeoffrey Lambujon, told Reuters. He said  plan.
                         the company’s project spending was higher than   A final decision on Willow from the Biden
                         expected and its production outlook for 2023  administration is expected in the first week of
                         was weaker than forecast.            March, said ConocoPhillips executives in the
                           But a Third Bridge analyst, Peter McNally,  fourth-quarter earnings call.™

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