Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2023
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                business spans Reeves and Loving counties
                                                                                and includes approximately 80 miles of
                                                                                high- and low-pressure natural gas gathering
                                                                                pipelines and a 140 million cubic feet per day
                                                                                (mmcf per day) natural gas processing facility.
                                                                                   “We are excited to have completed this
                                                                                transaction as it positions us for significant
                                                                                growth and future bolt-on opportunities in
                                                                                the heart of one of the most prolific basins
                                                                                in the United States,” said Doug Dormer,
                                                                                Cardinal chief executive officer. “We believe
                                                                                that clean burning natural gas will continue
       obligations on an undiscounted, uninflated   before income taxes of the proved reserves   to play an important role in the energy mix,
       basis, removed from the company’s balance   (the PV-10 value), was approximately $15.5   driving global demand, upstream production,
       sheet, totalled approximately $0.3mn.  billion, using the company’s average first of   and accompanying midstream infrastructure.
         On January 31, 2023, the company closed   month 2022 prices of $6.03 per 1,000 cubic   These assets are an ideal cornerstone for
       the disposition of its non-operated working   feet of natural gas and $91.21 per barrel of oil.  our business, and we look forward to
       interest in the Lindale Cardium Unit for gross   Comstock produced 501.1bn cubic feet of   meaningfully growing our footprint over
       proceeds of $1.5mn (net proceeds of $1.46mn   natural gas equivalent in 2022. In the fourth   time.”
       after customary adjustments). The disposition   quarter of 2022, Comstock’s production   Founded in early 2022, Cardinal is a
       included approximately 42 boe/d consisting   averaged 1,445mn cubic feet of natural gas   portfolio company of EnCap Flatrock
       of 53% crude oil, 37% natural gas and 10%   equivalent per day, which was an increase of   Midstream, a leading capital provider to
       natural gas liquids. Decommissioning   7% over the fourth quarter of 2021. Comstock   proven management teams like Cardinal, who
       obligations on an undiscounted, uninflated   added 1.1 Tcfe to its proved reserves in 2022   are focused on building and enhancing great
       basis removed from the Company’s balance   through its Haynesville and Bossier shale   businesses in North America’s midstream
       sheet, totalled approximately $1.6mn.  drilling activities, which replaced 216% of the   energy sector.
         Clearview continues to pursue dispositions   Company’s 2022 production.  CARDINAL MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, February
       of additional non-core, non-operated   The company spent $1,032.0mn on   06, 2023
       working interest properties to further   drilling and other development activities in
       reduce decommissioning obligations and   2022. Comstock drilled 115 (60.4 net) new
       administrative burdens, while increasing the   horizontal Haynesville and Bossier shale   DOWNSTREAM
       percentage of production that the Company   wells and put 104 (55.4 net) wells on sales
       operates and focussing its operations in West   during 2022. Comstock also spent $18.0mn   Suburban Propane Partners
       Central Alberta. With these three dispositions,  acquiring a 145-mile pipeline and processing
       Clearview now operates approximately 89%   plant, $54.1mn on acquiring unproved   announces first-quarter
       of its production. Additionally, the pace of   acreage primarily for the company’s Western
       development spending and asset retirement   Haynesville play and $0.5mn on acquiring   results
       expenditures are now largely within the   producing properties. Comstock’s finding
       Company’s control.                  costs related to its 2022 proved reserve   Suburban Propane Partners today announced
       CLEARVIEW RESOURCES, February 03, 2023  additions were approximately $0.95 per mcfe.  earnings for its first quarter ended December
                                           COMSTOCK RESOURCES, February 01, 2023  24, 2022.
       Comstock Resources                                                       2023 improved to $45.4mn, or $0.71 per
                                                                                  Net income for the first quarter of fiscal
       announces 9% proved                 MIDSTREAM                            Common Unit, compared to net income of
                                                                                $21.3mn, or $0.34 per Common Unit, in the
       reserve growth in 2022              Cardinal Midstream                   fiscal 2022 first quarter. Adjusted earnings
                                                                                before interest, taxes, depreciation and
       Comstock Resources, announced today that   closes on acquisition         amortisation (Adjusted EBITDA) increased
       its proved natural gas and oil reserves as of                            $3.5mn, or 4.1%, to $90.0mn for the first
       December 31, 2022 were estimated at 6.7   of Medallion’s natural         quarter of fiscal 2023, compared to $86.5mn
       trillion cubic feet equivalent (“Tcfe”), which                           in the prior year first quarter.
       represents a 9% increase from total proved   gas business in prolific      In announcing these results, President
       natural gas and oil reserves of 6.1 tcfe as of                           and Chief Executive Officer Michael
       December 31, 2021.                  Delaware Basin                       Stivala said, “A combination of continued
         The reserve estimates were determined                                  positive trends in our customer base growth
       under SEC guidelines and were audited by the   Cardinal Midstream Partners, an independent   and retention initiatives, cooler average
       company’s independent reserve engineering   midstream energy company based in Dallas,   temperatures, especially in the back half of
       firm. The 6.7 tcfe of proved reserves at   announced today it has closed its previously   December 2022, and excellent management
       December 31, 2022 were substantially all   announced acquisition of Medallion   of selling prices and expenses in a challenging
       natural gas, 38% developed and 98% operated   Midstream Services’ natural gas gathering and   economic backdrop, helped to deliver another
       by Comstock. The present value, using a 10%   processing business in the prolific Delaware   outstanding quarter with an increase of more
       discount rate, of the future net cash flows   Basin in West Texas. The newly acquired   than 4.0% in Adjusted EBITDA compared

       Week 06   09•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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