Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2023
P. 15

NorthAmOil                   NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                     NorthAmOil

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  recent weeks, and with ample LNG supply and
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  gas volumes in storage, this has resulted in prices
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  dropping to their pre-Ukraine war levels, despite
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  the steep drop in Russian deliveries.
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link  GLNG: China’s LNG imports forecast to re-
                         for each section the full text will be available as  bound after plunging 20% in 2022
                         before.                              China’s liquefied natural gas imports are pro-
                                                              jected to recover in 2023 to between 70mn and
                         AfrOil: Italy, Libya sign $8bn gas deal  72mn tonnes, marking a 9% to 14% rise from
                         Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni arrived  2022, analysts at Rystad Energy, Wood Macken-
                         in Libya on January 28 to sign a natural gas sup-  zie and ICIS told Reuters. In 2022, LNG imports
                         ply deal with the state-owned oil company, after  to China fell 20% year on year to 64.4mn tonnes
                         visiting Algeria the previous week for the same  as strict Covid lockdowns combined with
                         purpose. She was accompanied by Claudio Des-  increased use of natural gas from domestic pro-
                         calzi, the CEO of Italy’s Eni, and Italian Foreign  duction and pipeline sources dinted the coun-
                         Minister Antonio Tajani.             try’s appetite.

                         AsianOil: Philippines clears development of  LatAmOil: AMLO pledges to help Pemex
                         seventh LNG import project           with bond payments
                         Authorities in the Philippines announced on Jan-  Mexico’s  President Andres  Manuel Lopez
                         uary 27 that they have greenlit the development  Obrador has indicated that his government
                         of a $67mn small-scale LNG import terminal to  is responding positively to requests from the
                         provide a source of fuel for power generation. It  national oil company Pemex for assistance in
                         is the seventh such facility to be approved.  covering financial obligations to holders of its
                                                              securities. Speaking to journalists on January
                         DMEA: Militia threatens Iraqi pipeline  26, he said Mexico City had formulated a plan
                         An Iraqi militant group with links to Iran this  to ensure that Pemex could pay its debt amorti-
                         week made vague threats to halt any effort to  sations in 2023.
                         establish a pipeline route linking Basra with
                         the Red Sea. Various versions of plans to build a  MEOG: Maha and Mafraq sign Oman deal
                         1,600-km conduit to carry crude oil from Iraq’s  Swedish explorer Maha Energy and local firm
                         oil-rich Basra Governorate to the Red Sea port  Mafraq Energy this week signed a joint oper-
                         of Aqaba have been on the drawing board since  ating agreement for Oman’s Block 70 conces-
                         1982, with political, technical and commercial  sion following a farm-in deal last year. Maha
                         concerns converging to derail progress.  operates Block 70 with a 65% shareholding,
                                                              while Mafraq holds the remainder following its
                         EurOil: CNOOC puts sale of UK North Sea  August farm-in to the exploration and produc-
                         business on hold                     tion-sharing agreement, with that deal requir-
                         China’s largest offshore oil and gas producer  ing the Omani firm to reimburse Maha for its
                         CNOOC Ltd has put on hold the intended  “prorated share of all past costs, including the
                         sale of its UK North Sea assets, Bloomberg  signature bonus [and …] its share of all future
                         reported this week. Initial offers for the port-  expenditures on Block 70.”
                         folio did not live up to CNOOC’s expecta-
                         tions, but a sale process could be resumed if  NorthAmOil:  ExxonMobil,  Chevron  profits
                         market conditions improve, the news agency  soar
                         said, citing sources.                The US’s two largest oil companies have posted
                                                              record profits as blowback continues, including
                         FSUOGM: Russian gas pipe flow dips to  from politicians and consumer groups, and in
                         record low in January                particular from US President Joe Biden. Exx-
                         Russian pipeline gas flowing to Europe dipped  onMobil reported profits of $55.7bn in 2022. Its
                         to a record low in January, down 30% compared  previous record was $45.2bn in 2008, when oil
                         with supplies in December, while experts warn  was $142 a barrel, 30% higher than in 2022.
                         that there could be significant further down-
                         side risk to the country’s deliveries. Europe has  See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         enjoyed unseasonably high temperatures in  Picks for free by email each week here.™

       Week 06   09•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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