Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2023
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Biden acknowledges oil will

       remain necessary in US

        US               US President Joe Biden has conceded that oil will  he said. “It’s outrageous. Why? They invested
                         be needed in the US for some time yet, despite  too little of that profit to increase domestic pro-
                         the impact of the energy transition as it picks up  duction and keep gas prices down. Instead, they
                         pace.                                used those record profits to buy back their own
                           “We’re still going to need oil and gas for a  stock, rewarding their CEOs and shareholders,”
                         while,” Biden said in his annual State of the  he continued.
                         Union speech on February 7. “We’re going to   “Corporations ought to do the right thing.
                         need oil for at least another decade, and beyond  That’s why I propose that we quadruple the tax
                         that.”                               on corporate stock buybacks to encourage long-
                           The comments had not been included in  term investments instead,” Biden added.
                         a draft of the speech that had been circulated   ExxonMobil and Chevron last week reported
                         beforehand.                          record profits. ExxonMobil recorded a profit of
                           The US leader has had a very tense and mixed  $55.7bn and Chevron posted a profit of $35.5bn.
                         relationship with the oil and gas sector. In the  In Europe, Shell has since posted a profit of
                         autumn of 2022, just ahead of the midterm elec-  $39.9bn, France’s TotalEnergies a $36.2bn profit
                         tions, he criticised US oil companies for “war  and BP a profit of $27.7bn.
                         profiteering” and suggested imposing a windfall   In his speech, Biden referred to the climate
                         tax on them were production not to be increased.  crisis then continued: “We are still going to need
                           High gasoline prices were weighing heavily  oil and gas for a while. We do! But there’s so
                         on Democrat candidates at the time.  much more to do. We have got to finish the job.
                           But in contrast, Biden’s high-profile Inflation  And we pay for these investments in our future
                         Reduction Act (IRA), passed in August, rein-  by finally making the wealthiest and biggest cor-
                         stated two oil and gas lease auctions in the US  porations begin to pay their fair share.”
                         Gulf of Mexico, They will be held in March and   The American Petroleum Institute’s (API)
                         September 2023. The legislation is usually char-  vice president, Ben Marter, responded to Biden’s
                         acterised as purely climate legislation.   speech.
                           At another point in the State of the Union   “The president is right that Americans and
                         speech, Biden sounded a more familiar theme.  the world will continue to need affordable, relia-
                           “You may have noticed that Big Oil just  ble energy for decades to come. So why attack the
                         reported record profits. Last year, they made  industry working day and night to provide it?”
                         $200bn in the midst of a global energy crisis,”  he said in an emailed comment to Bloomberg.™

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