Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2021
P. 15

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       to manage and distribute over two million   in Houston. Calpine, Chevron, Dow,   “Houston can achieve our net zero goals
       barrels per day of produced and recycled   ExxonMobil, INEOS, Linde, LyondellBasell,   by working together, and it’s exciting to see so
       water across our Permian platform.”  Marathon Petroleum, NRG Energy, Phillips   many companies have already come together
         “Five Point and WaterBridge have built   66 and Valero have agreed to begin discussing   to talk about making Houston the world
       the leading water solutions platform in the   plans that could lead to capturing and safely   leader in carbon capture and storage,” said
       Permian by continuing to support the success   storing up to 50 million metric tons of CO2   Sylvester Turner, Mayor of Houston. “We’re
       of our customers,” says David Capobianco,   per year by 2030 and about 100 million metric   reimagining what it means to be the energy
       Chairman of the Board of WaterBridge and   tons by 2040.                 capital of the world, and applying proven
       CEO of Five Point Energy. “We are excited   The companies plan to help address   technology to reduce emissions is one of the
       to strengthen our relationship and to further   industrial CO2 emissions in one of the largest   best ways to get started.”
       expand our operations to support Colgate’s   concentrated sources in the United States.   Wide-scale deployment of CCS in the
       growth in the region.”              Collectively, the 11 companies are considering   Houston area will require the collective
       WATERBRIDGE HOLDINGS, September 10,   using CCS technology at facilities that   support of industry, communities and
       2021                                generate electricity and manufacture products   government. If appropriate policies and
                                           that society uses every day, such as plastics,   regulations are put in place, CCS could
                                           motor fuels and packaging.           generate tens of thousands of new jobs,
       ENERGY TRANSITION                      If CCS technology is fully implemented at   protect current jobs and reduce emissions at a
                                           the Houston-area facilities these 11 companies   lower cost to society than many other widely
       Carbon capture and storage          operate, nearly 75 million metric tons of CO2   available technologies. The 11 companies will
                                           could be captured and stored per year by 2040.  continue to advocate for policies that enable
       gains wide industry support         There are ongoing discussions with other   the long-term commercial viability of new,
                                                                                expanded and existing CCS investments in
                                           companies that have industrial operations
       in Houston                          in the area to add even more CO2 capture   Texas.
                                           capacity. They could announce their support
                                                                                CALPINE; CHEVRON; DOW; EXXONMOBIL;
       Eleven companies have expressed interest   at a later date and add further momentum   INEOS; LINDE; LYONDELLBASELL; MARATHON;
       in supporting the large-scale deployment of   toward the city of Houston’s ambitions to be   NRG ENERGY; PHILLIPS 66; VALERO,
       carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology   carbon neutral by 2050.    September 16, 2021

       Week 37   16•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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