Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2021
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       play, where we have been active over the   oilfield in Crockett County, Texas. HNRI is   Energy to acquire the produced water
       last 12 months. These assets will provide the   currently reviewing possible acquisitions of   infrastructure associated with Colgate’s
       company increasing cash flow and natural gas   producing oil and gas properties in addition   recent asset acquisition from Occidental. In
       volumes in the near-term with compelling   to operating its water treatment facilities   connection with the acquisition, WaterBridge
       upside potential and are located under some   operated by its subsidiary HNR Oil Services.   and Colgate have entered into a new 15-year
       of the top operators with active drilling   The company has taken delivery of new   produced water management agreement
       programs in the play.”              equipment to double capacity in the fourth   for all of Colgate’s operated acreage within a
       PHX MINERALS, September 16, 2021    quarter at the water treatment facility. HNR   significantly expanded area of mutual interest
                                           Oil Services has independently appraised   in Reeves and Ward Counties, Texas.
       HNRC projects strong third          value of $7,600,000 in equipment and permits   handling facilities and associated water
                                                                                  The acquired assets include 10 water
                                           that are valued a $0.49 per share.
       quarter earnings                    the value on the total of $9.67 per share in   midstream infrastructure with aggregate
                                              The company intends to focus on realising
                                                                                handling capacity of approximately 100,000
       Houston Natural Resources Corp. announced   assets held by its subsidiaries for the benefit   bpd, as well as approximately 50 miles of
       today that it expects to report strong results   of the shareholders. The strategy may include   produced water pipelines. WaterBridge
       for the quarter ending September 30, 2021.  asset sales, a spin-off of one or more of its   will manage the newly acquired produced
         The company’s net assets have increased   subsidiaries and dividends to shareholders.  water infrastructure and integrate these
       by more than 100% to $73,446,688 over the   HOUSTON NATURAL RESOURCES CORP.,   assets into its broader southern Delaware
       last three years. The company’s net asset value   September 14, 2021     platform. Further, WaterBridge and Colgate
       is $4.76 per share for the period ending June                            have consolidated existing produced water
       30, 2021. The company intends to continue to                             management contracts into a new produced
       acquire additional assets over the next three   SERVICES                 water management services agreement
       years.                                                                   whereby Colgate has dedicated all of the
         The company’s revenues have increased   WaterBridge announces          operated acreage recently acquired from
       by more than 150% to $7,614,534 over the                                 Occidental, as well as the legacy Colgate and
       last six months from the previous year and   strategic acquisition of    Luxe Energy acreage previously dedicated to
       net income increasing by more than 250% to                               WaterBridge. Subsequent to this transaction,
       $4,006,260.                         produced water assets                Colgate will have over 86,100 gross operated
         The company expects its third quarter                                  acres dedicated to WaterBridge in the
       earnings to exceed current projections.  and expanded dedication         southern Delaware Basin.
         In addition, the company’s subsidiary                                    “Colgate’s decision to expand their
       Houston Natural Resources, Inc (HNRI) has   with Colgate Energy in the   relationship with WaterBridge further
       independently appraised value of $69,000,000                             validates our position as the water solutions
       in proven reserves that are valued at $4.47 per   Delaware Basin         provider of choice in the Delaware Basin,”
       share.                                                                   says Jason Long, Co-Chief Executive Officer
         HNRI has acquired approximately 2,800   WaterBridge Holdings announced today   and Chief Operating Officer of WaterBridge.
       acres of oil and gas leases located in the Halff   that it has closed a transaction with Colgate   “This transaction further enhances our ability

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   16•September•2021
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