Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2021
P. 13

NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       FortisBC scales back Tilbury

       LNG expansion plan

        BRITISH          CANADA’S FortisBC has filed a detailed pro-  base plant. However, FortisBC said the base
        COLUMBIA         ject description (DPD) for the Phase 2 expan-  plant, which was built in 1971, will be retired
                         sion at its small-scale Tilbury LNG facility with  once Phase 2 is complete. The expanded facil-
                         regulatory authorities. The DPD involves both  ity will have a storage capacity of 216,400 cubic
                         the incremental liquefaction capacity and the  metres.
                         additional storage capacity for the project being   Despite the reductions in storage and capac-
                         scaled back from initial plans.      ity, though, FortisBC has not cut its cost estimate
                           The DPD comes roughly 18 months after  for the project, still putting it at CAD3.0-3.5bn
                         the initial project description (IPD) was filed,  ($2.4-2.8bn).
                         and the adjustments have been made following   Tilbury LNG produces LNG for transpor-
                         early-stage engineering and other engagement  tation, including for use as a marine fuel by BC
                         activities carried out since then.   Ferries and Seaspan Ferries. FortisBC has also
                           Incremental capacity from the Phase 2 expan-  shipped LNG to China from Tilbury in the past,
                         sion has been reduced to 7,700 tonnes per day  though on a small scale.
                         from 11,000 tpd in the IPD. Additional storage   The company says it is now working with the
                         capacity in Phase 2 has been reduced to 142,400  Vancouver Fraser Port Authority to develop the
                         cubic metres from 162,000 cubic metres previ-  first ship-to-ship LNG marine refuelling service
                         ously. This has been attributed to early engineer-  on the west coast of North America.
                         ing and planning work that allowed the company   Phase 1 of the Tilbury LNG expansion is
                         to more accurately estimate how much addi-  currently underway and could be complete by
                         tional storage capacity it would need.  around 2025. If Phase 2 is approved, the storage
                           Once the expansion is built, the Tilbury LNG  expansion could be complete by around 2026,
                         facility will be able to produce about 10,460 tpd  with the liquefaction capacity expansion follow-
                         of LNG, including 60 tpd from the terminal’s  ing around 2028.™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       UPSTREAM                            plays in Western Canada”, commented Tony   PHX Minerals announces
                                           Angelidis, president and CEO.
       Clearview Resources                 the management of Clearview, whereby   entry into Haynesville
                                             In addition, there has been a change in
       announces strategic                 Darcy Ries, vice president engineering and   acquisition
                                           chief operating officer, is no longer with the
       undeveloped land                    company.                             PHX Minerals announced today that it has
                                             Joining the management team of
                                                                                agreed to acquire in two separate transactions
       acquistion in the Clearwater        Clearview, as its interim vice president   certain mineral and royalty interests totaling
                                                                                approximately 817 net royalty acres in East
                                           engineering and chief operating officer, is
       Play and management                 Mr. Rod Hume. Mr. Hume is a professional   Texas and Louisiana targeting the Haynesville
                                                                                play (the “Acquisition”) for aggregate
                                           engineer with over 24 years of industry
       change                              experience in the acquisition, production,   consideration of $7,249,347 in cash and stock,
                                           development and exploitation of oil and gas
                                                                                subject to customary closing adjustments.
       Clearview Resources is pleased to provide the   assets. Mr. Hume was formerly Senior Vice   The purchase price consists of $728,214 in
       following corporate update.         President, Engineering at Delphi Energy   cash and $6,521,133 in PHX common stock
         Clearview has recently completed the   Corp.                           issued directly to the sellers of the assets. The
       acquisition of 14,240 gross and net acres   “We are very excited to be working with   shares to be issued are subject to a 120-day
       of Crown land in the Jarvie area of Alberta   Rod Hume again as we expand the company’s   lockup period. The board of directors of PHX
       focused on the developing Clearwater oil play   portfolio of opportunities and with our   unanimously approved the acquisition, which
       in the region.                      improved financial position allocate internally   is subject to certain closing conditions and is
         “This land acquisition is complementary   generated funds towards development of   expected to close by September 30, 2021.
       to Clearview’s strengths of building   these opportunities”, added Tony Angelidis,   Chad Stephens, president and CEO, said:
       opportunities from the ground level and   president and CEO.             “The agreements we entered into today
       provides the Company with a significant   CLEARVIEW RESOURCES, September 13, 2021  involve additional acquisitions of exceptional
       position in one of the most economic oil                                 mineral assets targeting the Haynesville

       Week 37   16•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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