Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Suncor partners with indigenous groups

       to buy Northern Courier stake

        ALBERTA          CANADA’S Suncor Energy announced this  to the Alberta Investment Management Corp.
                         week that it had signed agreements with eight  (AIMCo).
                         indigenous communities to acquire all of TC   The Astisiy partners will generate revenues
                         Energy’s 15% equity interest in the Northern  through competitive tolls from long-term trans-
                         Courier Pipeline Limited Partnership in Alberta.  portation and terminalling services agreements
                           The indigenous communities include three  supporting the pipeline, with Suncor noting
                         First Nations and five Métis groups. Together  that this would happen regardless of the price of
                         with Suncor, they will take ownership of the  crude. The partnership is expected to generate
                         Northern Courier stake, which is estimated to  gross revenues of about CAD16mn ($13mn) per
                         be worth around CAD1.3bn ($1.0bn). Together,  year.
                         the partners will be known as Astisiy Limited   The indigenous groups’ participation in the
                         Partnership.                         transaction was funded by non-recourse financ-
                           The pipeline connects Suncor’s Fort Hills oil  ing that was supported by a loan guarantee of up
                         sands project and its East Tank Farm operations.  to CAD40mn ($32mn) from the Alberta Indig-
                         Upon completion of the purchase by Astisiy,  enous Opportunities Corp.
                         which is anticipated in the fourth quarter of   The deal comes as oil and gas companies
                         2021, the pipeline will be operated by Suncor.  have been increasingly partnering with Cana-
                           Suncor said in a September 16 statement that  da’s indigenous groups on a variety of projects.
                         it had obtained the rights to purchase all of TC  Governments and companies have a legal duty to
                         Energy’s stake in the pipeline in 2019, with the  consult and accommodate First Nations before
                         collaboration with indigenous groups in mind.  proceeding with resource projects affecting their
                         At the time, it made the move as part of North-  territories. Bringing the groups in as direct part-
                         ern Courier’s execution of long-term, non-re-  ners can make a significant difference to levels of
                         course financing of CAD1bn ($790mn) and  support – or, conversely, opposition – for a pro-
                         TC Energy’s sale of its remaining 85% interest  ject among local communities.™

       NGTL updates Canadian regulator

       on West Path expansion

        WESTERN          NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd (NGTL), a subsid-  Delivery 2022 and Foothills Zone 8 West Path
        CANADA           iary of Canada’s TC Energy, has told regulators  Delivery 2023.
                         that shipper contracts still support the latest phase   The entire programme is worth CAD1.2bn
                         of its West Path expansion plans despite increas-  ($949mn), and will bring sanctioned expan-
                         ingly ambitious emissions reduction goals.  sions of NGTL and Foothills infrastructure to
                           This comes after as the Canada Energy Reg-  CAD10bn ($7.9bn).
                         ulator (CER) has begun hearings on the NGTL   According to the CER, the NGTL West Path
                         West Path Delivery 2023 construction applica-  Delivery 2023 project includes the construction
                         tion. NGTL tested the gas market with a June  and operation of roughly 40.1 km of 48-inch
                         pipeline capacity auction. No shippers accepted  (1,219-mm) pipeline across Alberta, in three
                         an offer to drop current contracts and allow a  sections. If the project is approved, construction
                         reduction in the size and cost of the expansion  will begin in the third quarter of 2023 and the
                         project, it told the regulator.      pipeline will enter service in November of that
                           “Climate change laws, policies and regula-  year.
                         tions are one set of factors,” NGTL told the CER   NGTL anticipates flows on its system to rise
                         about the evolving environmental rules. The  by 19% from 13.9bn cubic feet (394mn cubic
                         company said it was also taking into account  metres) per day to 16.6 bcf (470 mcm) per day
                         “other factors such as contracts, producer activ-  by 2026. The added volumes are expected to
                         ity and observed flow trends”.       originate from unconventional gas formations in
                           NGTL West Path Delivery 2023 is one of four  north-eastern British Columbia and north-west-
                         projects that together comprise the West Path  ern Alberta.
                         Delivery Programme, along with Foothills Zone   Earlier phases of the NGTL expansion are
                         8 West Path Delivery 2022, NGTL West Path  currently under construction.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   16•September•2021
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