Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Chevron to more than triple

       low-carbon investments

       Super-major Chevron will more than triple its planned spending on

       lower-carbon energy to $10bn by 2028, but is not yet ready to adopt

       a net-zero target

        US               SUPER-MAJOR Chevron has announced that  The company also set a target of raising its
                         it will more than triple its planned investments  renewable fuels production capacity to 100,000
       WHAT:             into lower-carbon energy to $10bn up to 2028,  barrels per day (bpd) by 2030 to meet growing
       Chevron is tripling its   from $3bn previously. The announcement fol-  customer demand for renewable diesel and sus-
       planned investments into   lows a series of low-carbon projects that the  tainable aviation fuel. It said it would expand its
       lower-carbon energy.  super-major has unveiled in recent days and  hydrogen production to 150,000 tonnes per year
                         weeks. The latest of these include a partnership  (tpy) by that year to supply industrial, power
       WHY:              with Enterprise Products Partners to explore  and heavy duty transport customers. And it set
       The super-major is   carbon capture and storage (CCS) opportunities,  a target of increasing its carbon capture and off-
       increasingly under   and a collaboration with Caterpillar to develop  sets to 25mn tpy by developing regional hubs
       pressure from investors   hydrogen demonstration projects.  through various partnerships.
       and others to do more on   However, even as Chevron ramps up spend-  “Renewable fuels, hydrogen and carbon cap-
       decarbonisation.  ing on low-carbon initiatives, it is holding back  ture target customers such as airlines, trans-
                         from committing to a net-zero greenhouse  port companies and industrial producers,”
       WHAT NEXT:        gas (GHG) emissions target. Chevron’s CEO,  said Chevron New Energies’ president, Jeff
       The company does not   Michael Wirth, told investors this week that the  Gustavson. “These sectors of the economy are
       want to adopt a net-zero   company does not want to “be in a position in  not easily electrified, and customers are seek-
       target while it considers   which we lay out ambitions that we don’t believe  ing lower-carbon fuels and other solutions to
       such a goal to be   are realistic and deliverable”. Nonetheless, com-  reduce carbon emissions.”
       unrealistic.      pany executives talked about Chevron being on   The company also reaffirmed its 2028
                         a “pathway to net zero” during the Energy Tran-  upstream production GHG intensity targets,
                         sition Spotlight event on September 14 at which  which equate to a 35% reduction from 2016
                         the planned spending increase was unveiled.  levels.
                           Separately, speaking to CNBC, Wirth said   At a Brent oil price average of $60 per bar-
                         Chevron’s lower-carbon investments are  rel, Chevron anticipates earning double-digit   Wirth said
                         focused on areas including renewable natural  return on capital employed by 2025 and gener-
                         gas (RNG) and hydrogen, because this is where  ate $25bn of cash flow, above its dividend and   Chevron’s
                         the super-major sees significant potential to  capital spending, over the next five years.  lower-carbon
                         create shareholder value. At the same time,   “With the anticipated strong cash generation
                         the company is opting to stay away from more  of our base business, we expect to grow our div-  investments
                         mature technologies such as wind and solar, in  idend, buy back shares and invest in lower-car-
                         which there is already plenty of capital available.  bon businesses,” stated Wirth. “We believe a   are focused on
                                                              strategy that combines a high-return, low-
                         Strategy                             er-carbon traditional business with faster grow-  areas including
                         Further details of Chevron’s lower-carbon spend-  ing, profitable new energy ones positions us to   renewable
                         ing increase have emerged from the Energy  deliver long-term value to our shareholders.”
                         Transition Spotlight event. The super-major said                         natural gas (RNG)
                         that of the planned $10bn investment between  No net zero
                         now and 2028, $2bn will be used to lower the  While Chevron noted that it was not commit-  and hydrogen.
                         carbon intensity of its operations.  ting to a net-zero target yet, Wirth did not rule
                           As well as increasing its planned spending,  out one being adopted in the future. Indeed, he
                         Chevron has set several targets for 2030 for its  said that Chevron’s directors may re-address the
                         new energy business. These include growing  question of net-zero in the super-major’s climate
                         its RNG production to 40,000 mmBtu (1.1mn  report later this year.
                         cubic metres) per day to supply a network of sta-  In the meantime, though, he told inves-
                         tions serving heavy duty transport customers.  tors that some of the technologies that will be

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